The following tutorials were something I promised to do for Shadow Guard as part of the Raven Wing Project I am working on for him. Most are quick and easy. They aren't meant to give you tips on winning a golden demon or any other painting prize. They are however a way to have a decent looking army in a short amount of time. Many times in these tutorial your going to see non-GW paint names. I have nothing against GW paint, I think it is great stuff. The bottles for it on the other hand..bleh. So where possible I will include a GW equivalent (or close enough for government work) for the colors I use. That said, please understand that these are how I do these particular things. It is not the Games Workshop way, the Cool Mini or Not way, heck some might say it is not even the "right" way. All I can promise is that it works and if you choose to follow it, your army will at least be presentable on the table. Above anything though I hope that folks who are looking to start painting or improve their painting can learn something. So any comments / critiques you want to fire at me feel free: [ email: menshakhaine@hotmailcom ] |

Step 1 - Primer! Chaos Black primer followed by a coat of Bolt Gun Metal onto metallic areas on the bike. Don't worry about being sloppy here as you will cover it all up later |
Step 2 - At this stage, Shining gold is placed around the skull icons on either side of the tank on the bike. Ral Partha Brown is used as the base coat for the seat, followed a chestnut ink wash |
Step 3 - The seat then receives a highlight of Cleric Brown, followed by Asian Flesh for the 2nd highlight |
Step 4 - At this stage I start with Cleric Brown as the base coat for the headlight. Next is a coat of Golden |
Step 5 - The bike was gone over again with Chaos Black to cover up the sloppy areas from previous steps. The tires are given a coat of two parts Chaos Black, one Part Shadow Grey. This keeps the tires dark in color, but not straight black so they won't blend into the rest of the bike. |
Step 6 - The decals were added at this point. The Ravenwing symbol was added to the right side of the front fender, squad number to the left side. Decals were gone over first in Skull White and the finished with Chaos Black around the edges. |
Step 7 - Final Touches!: The bike is ready to be finished at this point. Start with a highlight of one part Chaos Black / two parts Shadow Grey. This was then given a second highlight of NightFall Blue. Rivets were picked out in Mithril Silver and touch ups were done with Chaos Black. The rider is effectively done in the same way or you can check out the Angel of Vengeance Tutorial for a more detailed black armor how to. |

The following tutorials were something I promised to do for Shadow Guard as part of the Raven Wing Project I am working on for him. Most are quick and easy. They aren't meant to give you tips on winning a golden demon or any other painting prize. They are however a way to have a decent looking army in a short amount of time. Many times in these tutorial your going to see non-GW paint names. I have nothing against GW paint, I think it is great stuff. The bottles for it on the other hand..bleh. So where possible I will include a GW equivalent (or close enough for government work) for the colors I use. That said, please understand that these are how I do these particular things. It is not the Games Workshop way, the Cool Mini or Not way, heck some might say it is not even the "right" way. All I can promise is that it works and if you choose to follow it, your army will at least be presentable on the table. Above anything though I hope that folks who are looking to start painting or improve their painting can learn something. So any comments / critiques you want to fire at me feel free: [ email: menshakhaine@hotmailcom ] |

Yellow. This is finished off with a coat of Bad Moon Yellow. If you want you could even go a bit farther and add Ral Partha Mist Glow if you want the headlights to actually glow in the dark. |
The dashboard buttons were done as follows: Red: base coat of RP Sword of Light Red, highlighted with RP Red. White: base coat of Ghost Grey, highlighted with Skull White. Blue: base coat of Ultramarine Blue, highlighted with RP True Blue. |