The following tutorials were something I promised to do for Shadow Guard as part of the Raven Wing Project I am working on for him. Most are quick and easy. They aren't meant to give you tips on winning a golden demon or any other painting prize. They are however a way to have a decent looking army in a short amount of time. Many times in these tutorial your going to see non-GW paint names. I have nothing against GW paint, I think it is great stuff. The bottles for it on the other hand..bleh. So where possible I will include a GW equivalent (or close enough for government work) for the colors I use. That said, please understand that these are how I do these particular things. It is not the Games Workshop way, the Cool Mini or Not way, heck some might say it is not even the "right" way. All I can promise is that it works and if you choose to follow it, your army will at least be presentable on the table. Above anything though I hope that folks who are looking to start painting or improve their painting can learn something. So any comments / critiques you want to fire at me feel free: [ email: menshakhaine@hotmailcom ] |

Step 1 - This is the preparation step. The mini has been cleaned, filed, prime coated (black) and in this case had all the dry brush steps for a base done to the gravel. Part of the clean up also included taking off the Dark Angels shoulder emblem and filing it down. |
Step 2 - Here we begin with the metallics. Don't worry about being a bit sloppy cause you'll cover it all up in the end anyway. I started with the gold and used Brazen Brass as the base coat. |
Step 3 - I then went over the Brazen Brass with Burnished Gold |
Step 4 - Now move onto to the silver metallic portions, in this case the metal parts of the bolt pistol. It got a first coat of Iron Wind Steel. |
Step 5 - This was then followed up with a highlight of GW Boltgun Metal. |
Step 9 - Ral Partha Red was the next coat. |
Step 6 - For this step anything that was going to be leather, red or bone got a coat of East Indian Brown (Ral Partha) and the bolt pistol handle got a coat of Flesh Tone #10 (Ral Partha). |
Step 7 - Red areas received an initial coat of Ral Partha Blood Red |
Step 8 - The red areas were then given a coat of Ral Partha Sword of Light Red. |

The following tutorials were something I promised to do for Shadow Guard as part of the Raven Wing Project I am working on for him. Most are quick and easy. They aren't meant to give you tips on winning a golden demon or any other painting prize. They are however a way to have a decent looking army in a short amount of time. Many times in these tutorial your going to see non-GW paint names. I have nothing against GW paint, I think it is great stuff. The bottles for it on the other hand..bleh. So where possible I will include a GW equivalent (or close enough for government work) for the colors I use. That said, please understand that these are how I do these particular things. It is not the Games Workshop way, the Cool Mini or Not way, heck some might say it is not even the "right" way. All I can promise is that it works and if you choose to follow it, your army will at least be presentable on the table. Above anything though I hope that folks who are looking to start painting or improve their painting can learn something. So any comments / critiques you want to fire at me feel free: [ email: menshakhaine@hotmailcom ] |
