This article is based on a thread on the Bolter and Chainsword Forum. It has been reproduced with the kind permission of Kris Kronig. |
To show my loyality to the chapter ( even if I refuse to use the current rules, stick to Codex Spacemarines v4.0 and wait for the Codex Space Marines v4.0 ), I bring a little conversion inspiration guide. As I'm not able to convince people leaving the Unforgiven from a rulewise approach, as I too am not pleased with the status quo, I'll try to come from the other side: Style!
If you think that Ultramarines have more style, I can tell you that's only because they have been redone. No other chapter has OUR level of dark gothic feel to it. The only problem is, that the miniatures don't do them justice now. Therefore I'll give you some ideas and inspiration to add Dark Angel style to your army with more or less effort. |

First, the heads::
Best heads out there for Dark Angels are in the Brettonian Archer box. They have hoods and enough medieval feel to them. You can futurize them by chopping of parts from the helmets and glue them on, even the blindfolded one can be used. Use them on your Marines and Termies. Some other archaic helmets can be found in the Iron Warriors box which gives you some bionics as well. You can also add the wings from leftover banner poles. |

Third, vehicle tuning:
The braziers are from the archer box as well (THE bitz box for DA!). Candles add a sanctuary feel and are from the Darkelf's Cauldron of Blood. I also use the gothic chest and trunkets instead of Imperial styled ones. Gothic windows are from a fountain model of a train model range, go check it out, if you find that box (VOLLMER, HO 3758, Historical Landmark), you'll have enough windows for a whole vehicule park! The easier way for gothic windows is to cut them out of plasticcard (Drreadnought) and paint stained glass patterns into it. And not to forget that Ravenwing Angel from the GMotRW. Add them everywhere. |
sprues. There's nothing nicer, than a good well filled bitzbox. Studs are made from a small diameter plastic rod and the spiky ones from some industrial leftovers from screws. The rather big shields from the archer's box can be cut down to little ones (3rd row, left) to have a studded boarder. |
Second, other details:
Swords, knives, little shields, plate armour, scrolls, studs, bottles, skulls, braziers, gaunts, writing. I have shown here only things that will need none to little greenstuff. I used bits from the Iron Warriors Box (gauntlets, skulls, armour parts with triangles filed off). Swords come from Empire Freelancers and Knights as well as from Bretonnian Archers. Bottles are from the Empire and Imperial |
Seems as if I'm aiming towards the right direction...
So just a few pics to show some of my assembled examples (of which you have seen some detail shots already). Greenstuff is still required to smooth out some connections and maybe to add tabbards. This is the new Tac Squad, Sergeant will be the metal miniature from the Dark Angels box without any major conversions. |