Beyond these door lie detailed descriptions on painting and converting our heroes. These range from the basics of the hobby such as basic painting, basing and sculpting techniques for the beginner. It then expands to standard painting methods for the various unforgiven forces and proceeds on to complex conversion articles for creating your heroes. Additional sections cover vehicle modelling, digital artwork and dioramas finally leading to examples of single miniatures submitted by hobbyists. I have tried to lead by example by displaying some articles, particularly conversions by myself, which are average quality works at best, particularly when compared to the Golden Demon standards. But they are the best I have managed so far. It should give you an insight in to the thought processes and methods that I used and hopefully may be of use to some of you. The main message is that conversions can be simple efforts but add a great deal uniqueness and character to your models and the army as a whole. Hope some of the imagery will inspire some of those who walk through here with the zeal of conversions!. In addition there are contributions by many master craftsmen also on show that would further encourage the gaming fraternity.. |

Character Conversions How to create unique character models that stand ot on the battlefield. |
This Model and Myself Results of the regular Fortress contest ofthe same name. here are displayed a eries of similar modles by different hobbyists to show the variety of thought processes amongst us. |
The Basics The basic techniques of painting, creating bases, using decals and generally stepping in to the hobby arena are described here. |
Painting the Unforgiven Step by step directions for painting the various units and forces of the Unforgiven armies. These include th Deathwing and ravenwing as well as Dark ANgel, AoV, AoA and AoR chapters. |
Modelling the Unforgiven Step by step instructions on creating more dynamic poses for your space marines. |
Vehicles and Warmachines Techniques for making your vehicles and warmachines better and versatile on the 40K battl;efield. |
Scenary & Battlefields Step by step articles on the creation of scenarios, dioramas and basic scenary. |
Digital Creations How some famous Dark Angel digital art was created in a step by step manner. In adition other unique artwork is also displayed here. |