ZAKKIEL, ARCHANGEL OF EURYALES Dark Angels Chapter By Carlos Fernandez ( Karze Lyonson ) |

When Medusa V conflict started and Dark Angels forces were mobilized Master Belial chose a few selected battle brothers of trust for the commanding of each contingent. They were old veterans, glorious members of the Inner Circle, winners of uncountable battles. Brother libarian Zakkiel was selected as one of them, he was assigned to the Lasciate Ogne Speranza contingent. He wasn't the commander, the unquestionable commander of the Lasciate was brother Librarian Karze, but he was an important piece, the subcommander and coordinator of the Lasciate with the other Dark Angel forces. Zakkiel and the Lasciate were assigned to Euryales sector, wich had the capital, Euryales hive city. It was a hard zone that was attracting too much enemies.
He is a veteran in the fight against Orks and chaotic forces, so he was a good choice for the campaign, his determination will make sure that he won't take away or fail in his mission. In fact, he fought against the Ork horde in Piscina IV, he was a brother semantic those days. He was in some of the hardest confrontations, but his iron discipline and his faith in his battle brothers change more than one result. He was leading one of the tactical squads behind the command of Belial in the bloody clearing of Kadillus and the Dark Angels Basilica. Street by street, house by house, the battle was really long. His men get tired and the falls started to be critical, but he ordered to continue the fight until the last of them dies. His men fought as cornered lions, and finally the last orks forces were purged. However the war was far to end, the first assault on Koth Ridge had started. When the survivors of the squad arrived the battle had finished, the orks were repelled. Zakkiel swore that this will ever happen another time, and this oath is still sustenance by him. Another reason on why he had come up to Medusa V. |

His squad, reinforced, were at the second assault, and his performance was irreproachable, as result of this he became a codicier and member of the Inner Circle. His favourite weapon become a psychic spear, ideal for fighting against orks, its large handle allows his owner to do circular attack, really important if he's rounded by an horde.
It was during the 13th black crusade when brother Zakkiel fought without rest against chaos forces. Those dark days he learnt much about chaos, their modus operandi and how to fight them. He also defeated some daemons, improving his psychic skills, which gave him the rank of epistolary. When the Unforgiven were coordinating themselves before the Medusa V campaign he offered himself to lead a contingent in one of the first waves, a surgical and dangerous attack from the atmosphere by drop pods. He didn't want to wait more, the war had arrived to Medusa, and this time he won't be late.
After a couple of battles, Karze have named him "Archangel of Euryales", an honorific battle title. He had command the battles with the help of his large experience and his cold and calculator mind. Squads under his control were the most efficient and better organized, the victory of these battles were theirs. However the war for Medusa V had just started

Home Planet: Taciturne
Rank: Brother librarian epistolary
Equipment: Servoarmour, terminator honours, psychic spear (count as a psychic weapon), bolt pistol, frag grenades, psychic hood, iron halo, psychic powers: might of heroes and fear of the darkness. |
Special rules: Hunt of the fallen, trust no one, stubborn, strategic mind: when Zakkiel fights against Orks or Chaos (chaos space marines, traitors or lost and the damned) his opponent must deploy 1D6 units before the DA player. DA player can chose which units he must deploy. War tittles: Archangel of Euryales. |