RECLUSIARCH TIBERIUS Dark Angels Chapter By ( Brother Caliban ) |

Brother Tiberius was born within the golden Halo, a protected planetary system not far course from Medusa itself. Unlike so many of his brothers he was brought up on a reserved world where military was not priority due to the planetary systems efficient defence system. An intelligent people the people of Vorsnar knew it was imperative to protect themselves as they have been producing technologies for Cadia and supplying arms and soldiers for the duration of the 13th campaign and still do so to this day. Although a planetary system of great resources it could never be called an Industrial, world rather a research station which has grown to accommodate such sanctuary seekers such as Benathona and Vellisna who brought Tiberius to the planet to avoid such conflict. However upon this planet there was a idealized military known as the Jin Hi, units of universal soldiers: the militaries answer to 'a soldier without compromise'. Of course the reality was different and those who strived to be the be the elite soon found any ambition aborted by the horrors of the surrounding systems. Tiberius was one such soldier only on discovery of the Space Marines he made it his lives goal to be as good as they were. An ignorant people who do not talk of the Astartes as an active unit and more of a forgotten hope from an older time.
Tiberius however was intrigued and fuelled his ambition with hatred for what he had seen serving with the Jin Hi. His religion grew through his uncles teachings back home who he stayed with on discovering his father Benathona was called upon to work the the Titan Legions. Little is known about how or why Tiberius stayed on his home planet after his service but it is known that his uncle was considered an outsider and possessed 'abilities' which were not known to his people and only to the Imperium. Although there was no heresy here nor even suspicion. It was to be that he was in fact an unsuccessful initiate to a marine chapter. Biologically he believed in a purity of man, such an intervention lead to mutation but not heresy. He thought he could train Tiberius to be as strong and fast as he was, eventually he deemed this dangerous as Tiberius's frustration was unhealthy, however little did he know that the skill Tiberius had gained were exemplary, the cardio of an athlete the strength of a weight servo and ballistic capabilities even greater than a storm trooper as well as the training he had from Jin Hi. |

As the Dark Angels made planetfall, they were met by horrific, unnatural melds of man and machine. Despite stiff opposition, the Dark Angels advanced steadily through the world, cleasing one colony after another. The Skitarii were cut off piecemeal and annihilated in ferocious crossfires, carefully orchestrated by Master Sheol of the 4th Company. After the final battle had been fought, and the Dark Angels picked through the desolate remains of the colony, they came across a rare sight. In the shadow of a statue of some long forgotten Lord Militant, whose features had been pocked marked by fragmentation grenades, they saw a young boy standing on a wooden box telling an enraptured crowd about the deliverance which had just been delivered onto them by the Emperor's Finest. His speech roused the hearts and spirits of the listeners who swept across town hunting down any remaining pockets of resistance. Impressed by the boy's oratory, he was taken back for testing. After having been proven free of any taint, the young Boreaus was inducted into the training regime.
Boreaus proved to be a suitable subject, and his responses to the implants were satisfactory. Though older than most who are selected to become Space Marines, Boreaus possessed that knack for soldiering which was essential. Though others were better than him at the various uses of weapons, none knew the scriptures as well as he did. Nor could any hold a better speech or recite the Canticles of War or Loathing as well as Boreaus did. His path was shiningly clear to his mentors. Should he survive the transformation from human to Space Marine, Boreaus would serve the Chapter and the Lion best as a Chaplain. |

As it was, he did survive, and when he first put on that dark green armour, he felt that he was born anew. A living instrument in the service of the Emperor, Boreaus now knew that he had been born to smite the enemies of the Imperium and of the Chapter. It was during his second mission that he learnt of the Secret Shame. A Fallen Angel had managed to twist the minds and senses of a remote community and this had come to the attention of the Dark Angels. Sent in to cull the cur, they were met by the stubborn and fanatical resistance of the villagers. Though outgunned and outclassed to a comical degree by the Space Marines, they fought stubbornly to the bitter end. As fate would have it, a villager with melta-bombs strapped to his chest managed to obliterate all of Boreaus' combat squad, leaving only him and a chaplain in a position to intercept and detain the Fallen Angel.