COMPANY CHAMPION REUBEN Angels of Vengeance Chapter By Ian Li |
Background: Battle-Brother Reuben was born on the ice world of Carn, where its many rival tribes constantly battle it out for control of the scarce resources necessary for survival. By the age of thirteen, Reuben was already a seasoned warrior and an expert in the use of the single-edged sword. However, battle-hardened as the native tribes were, they were totally unprepared for the Ork invasion that came when Reuben was fifteen. The Orks eliminated many of the prominent tribes in the first few days of their invasion and forced the survivors to flee to the mountains. From there, Reuben rallied a group of survivors into a resistance force that held out for three months until the arrival of a relief force from the 4th Company of the Angels of Vengeance Chapter. Reuben was out leading a raiding party when he came across a squad of Marines being ambushed by a larger number of Orks. He |

immediately led his party into the fray and together with the Marines, drove the Orks away. During the battle, Reuben had managed to cut down the commanding Nob, but was severely wounded in the process. Recognising his prowess and bravery, the Marines brought Reuben back with them to their battle barge. Treating his seemingly mortal wounds, Reuben was inducted into the chapter and put through the gruelling training process that would eventually see him receive all the implants necessary to become a fully-fledged Battle-Brother of the Angels of Vengeance Chapter.
Reuben went on to serve in many campaigns, his bravery and fighting prowess being recognised throughout his Company. In particular, his expertise and talent in the use of the sword that he had in his youth soon saw him assigned to an Assault Squad. At the Battle of Karinda, he single-handedly slew the Exarch that was leading the Eldar force, earning himself a promotion to the Command Squad of the current Company Captain, Brother-Captain Gabriel. During the 13th Black Crusade, the 4th Company was assigned to attack the world of Menon, held by traitors of the World Eaters Traitor Legion. In the battle, the Company Champion was challenged by the Aspiring Champion of the traitor force and felled in single combat. As the loyalist force wavered amidst the taunts of the Chaos champion, Reuben leapt to the forefront and picking up the combat shield of the fallen warrior, engaged the Chaos champion in a duel to the death. Reuben eventually prevailed and the death of the Aspiring Champion soon turned the battle in the favour of the Angels of Vengeance, who scored a major victory. Reuben was unanimously voted to become the next Company Champion and has held that position ever since. |

Reuben takes to battle in his ornate battle-armour, meticulously cared for by the Company's Techmarines and blessed by its Interrogator-Chaplains. It is one of the oldest suits that the Chapter possesses, rumoured to have been around since the founding of the Chapter. He wields the standard battle-gear for a Company Champion, which comprises of a power sword, a bolt pistol and a combat shield. His power sword however is a custom-made one with a single-edged blade; designed to suit Reuben's favoured style of sword-fighting. Reuben is currently serving on the Ice World of Plenther VII, alongside the Space Wolves of the Ravening Jaw Great Company in campaign against the invading Ork Waagh. As per the age-old tradition between the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels and all their successors, there was an honour duel to be fought between the champions from either side prior to the battle. The Wolves sent out one of their Axe-wielding Wolf Guard while Reuben represented the Angels of Vengeance. In a classic battle, everyone watched in admiration as the speed and graceful technique of Reuben matched up to brute strength and ferocity of the Wolf Champion. At the peak of the duel, the axe-shaft of the Wolf Champion was broken, but Reuben did not take advantage of his opponent's plight, requesting that his opponent be granted a new weapon before the fight was resumed. At this point, Bjern Broodmaw, Lord of the Ravening Jaw Great Company intervened and announcing that honour had been served, declared Reuben the winner. Reuben's prestige thus spread even further and he continues to serve with distinction in the campaign on Plenther VII, earning the grudging respect of even his Orkish foes. The sight of Reuben's glowing red sword is enough to strike fear into all who would oppose the God-Emperor. |
