BATTLE FLEET ANGELUS MORTIS By Nathan Bishop ( Brother Bish ) |
Nathan Bishop is an avid Dark Angel fan, gamer, modeller, converter and a dear friend. He is also a member of the Inner Circle which staged the Gathering of Angels EOT campaign for the unforgiven forces. It is a great privilege that he has given his kind permission to display this unique Dark Angel fleet on the Fortress of the Unforgiven. |
Nova Class Frigate Squadron
Nova Class Frigates normally do not carry a contingent of marines unless it is a last resort. They are primarily a space combat vehicle used to help protect the fleet. For exactly that purpose, they are the only craft in the Dark Angels force armed with lances. Generally there is one Marine Captain on board to guide the Nova's actions but, if needed they can be run without such leadership and with a minimal crew. |
GladiusClass Frigate Squadron
Gladius Class Frigates provide transport for smaller Marine forces. They give the Strike Cruisers the freedom to move where they are needed most, while helping to deploy forces in a system. |
Hunter Class Destroyer Squadron
The Hunter Class Starships are often used by the higher ranking officers of the Dark Angels for missions that might require a smaller task force. Interrogator Chaplain's will use them for their secret missions, as will the Librarians of the chapter. They are armed with torpedoes and are very fast, making them well suited for Fleet protection as well as for rapid planetary assaults. |
Thunder Hawk Gunship Squadrons
Thunderhawk Gunships are the main assault craft of the Marine forces. They are fairly fast moving squadrons that can carry enough troops to board and overcome a capital ship. They can also be used for planetary assaults and can enter the atmosphere very quickly and safely because of their reinforced armor. Heavily armed as well, they often drop their troops and lift off again to provide cover for those they have just left. |

The Tower of Angels
This vast continent sized asteroid, which is the sole surviving part of the Dark Angels home planet now capable of sustaining life is also affectionately known as the "Rock". This segment of Caliban had contained the largest of the fortress monastaries in which the Dark Angel legion was based. Following the destruction of their planet, the asteroid has been made the home of the Dark Angels chapter. Massive warp and real space engines powered by gigantic plasma and warp cores propel the whole planetoid to wherever the Dark Angel wish to go. During the closing stages of the thirteenth black crusade,the Tower of Angels was seen in cadian space heading for confrontation with Abaddon's planet killer. |