The Strife was deployed with the main force on Delios IV and when the orks attacked, the lascannons were the first to answer them. A squadron of killa kans was advancing on a flank, so the driver moved to intercept, while the gunners sighted the machines and fired. One of the ork contraptions exploded in a huge blast, temporarily obscuring the other two. As the smoke cleared the remaining kans continued advancing,. Firing their crude rocket launchers at the predator. The missiles were deflected by the tank's front armour, and the driver increased speed and hurtled into the first kan. Smashing into the kan, the Strife managed to destroy the machine's legs, the body crashing into the ground. The remaining kan swept its power claw into the side of the tank, ripping into the armour and crippling on of the sponson lascannons. The kan pulled the power claw back to strike again, but the main gunner was able to bring the lascannons at the kan and fired at point blank range. The blast took the kan clean in the belly and caused it to explode, the wash of fire singeing the crew through the open side. The Strife fought on, increasing the kill tally that day with a dreadnought kill and four wartruks. |

These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Chris Ward. |

Sergeant Graham and his squad embody the tenacious nature of the Dark Angels perfectly. Well armed for a firefight, once the squad is in position it will hold that position no matter the odds, blasting the enemy whenever and where-ever they come from. They usually perform supporting roles in battle, using their rhino to move into a favourable position then hold it against the enemy. The squad was on patrol on the planet of Turin when a horde of Tzeentch cultists came pouring out of the sewers at them. The attack was unexpected but Graham deployed his men by the Rhino and met the mad charge of the cultists. Bolter fire ripped into the unarmoured cultists but still they came, undeterred by the horrendous damage being done. The remaining cultists crashed upon the marines, hacking at them with club and stone. The marines fought back with their usual skill and power, but due to the enemies numbers were being pushed back. Graham ordered his men into their rhino which sped off down the road, the cultists pursuing. When the rhino had a sizeable distance from the horde, Graham and his squad disembarked and again poured fire into the charging mass, thinning their numbers yet again. Then just before the |

Veteran Sergeant Beeching has served in the 3rd company for a very long time, and is the veteran of many campaigns that most Dark Angels have only heard about. His face is scarred badly, every injury a reminder of a previous battle. Beeching's power axe was given to him by a Deathwing Sergeant that he saved the life of, coming to his add against a small brood of genestealers that had cornered the terminator. Utilising their jump packs, the squad can move over great distances and strike the enemy where they least expect it. In the blasted cities of Trafud rebel guardsmen had taken over the city, being inspired by a charismatic cult leader of Tzeentch. The leader was barricaded in a heavily defended building, and as the Dark Angels and Imperial Guardsmen attacked from the ground, Beeching lead his squad from the top of a nearby building and came crashing into one of the higher floors. The rebels were totally unprepared for an attack from above, and the marines slaughtered their way through them, ending when Beeching's power axe smashed the skull of their leader |

Even for a Dark Angel Sergeant Millar was distant and quiet, yet his manner hid a barely uncontrolled fury that he shows in battle. Millar has a strong hatred for all traitors, especially for those of the traitor chaos marines. When Millar was inducted into the Deathwing he learnt of their secret quest for the fallen, and his hatred for traitors increased. His hatred was turned solely on those of his own chapter that had forsaken their vows and turned to chaos. Since that time Millar has gone into battle with unrelenting fury, his squad barely able to keep up with him. He has used his position in the Deathwing to acquire a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, favouring the Thunder Hammer for its sheer destructive capabilities. The squad does not utilize jump |

packs, as Millar prefers to remain on foot, rushing into battle alongside other squads. Millar is able to requisition a mighty Land Raider to ride in to battle. The squad often accompanies Grand Master of the Librarians Davidson's task force, usually being joined by Apothecary O'Connor in battle. Recently the squad has been skirmishing against the Death Guard, where Millar's Thunder Hammer has smashed its way through marine and daemon alike. |
cultists were on them, Graham ordered his men back into the rhino and they repeated the maneuver, getting enough distance in the rhino to disembark and fire upon the crowd. By the time the cultists reached the marines there were only a few left and they quickly perished against the powerful warriors. |
The 9th squad is fitted out for an anti-armour role in battle, and their weapons are also perfectly designed for taking out heavily armoured foes as well. Often the are joined in battle by Techmarine Thomas of Davidson's command, whose holy Signum helps direct their firepower into even more devastating salvos. Sergeant Cebalo is extremely fastidious when it comes to his squad's performance, he enforces a stricter training schedule on his |

marines, more then a marine would normally perform. The result is that the squad is highly skilled at moving into position and getting their heavy weapons ready for firing. Cebalo often uses this to the Dark Angels advantage, driving up to a position, disembarking and firing several salvos before embarking and driving to the next position. Not only does this help the squad to quickly get into the best firing positions, it also prevents the enemy from mounting an attack against them, as they are not in any one position for long. With four Heavy Bolters, the 10th squad is ideally suited for mowing down great numbers of light to medium armoured foes. Once their Rhino has delivered them to a good position, the squad is able to set up lethal fire-arcs that cause most enemy squads to change their tactics and cower behind cover. The squad performs particularly well against the Tyranid hordes, when the Tyranids charge across the battleground in massive broods, the Heavy Bolters cause untold mayhem among the lightly armoured creatures. The high rate of fire is also useful against the more powerful Tyranids they encounter, the sheer number of bullets directed against a tyrant or carnifex means that some must wound the creatures. Often Dennerly will be called upon to fire on a larger creature, softening it up before the assault teams move in for the kill. |

Devastator Squad 9 Cebalo |
Devastator Squad 10 Dennerly |