These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Chris Ward. |

Tactical Squad I Brash
Sergeant Brash took over command of the 1st squad of the 3rd after Deathwing Sergeant Ironman suffered grievous wounds on Delios, and had to be sent back to the Rock with the rest of the wounded. Ironman was a mighty warrior, fearless in battle. On Delios he charged into a squad of mega-armoured nobs, hacking two down before the rest laid him low. His squad managed to recover Ironman and pull him back to the thunderhawks.
Most of Ironman's body had been crushed, it was only his iron constitution that kept him alive. Only the facilities at the Rock would be sufficient to save him without resorting to hard-wiring him into a Dreadnought and so despite his protests he was sent back to the Rock. If he heals he will rejoin the 3rd as its new Master. Under Sergeant Brash the squad has continues to serve above and beyond the call of duty, as Brash tries to emulate the actions of their previous leader. |

Tactical Squad II Billings
Veteran Sergeant Billings believes strongly in the usefulness of plasma weapons, despite their tendency to overheat. He has armed his squad with a plasma gun and cannon, and carries an ancient plasma pistol himself. His tendency for plasma weapons has made the 2nd squad extremely useful in the pursuit of the Thousand Sons, once in position Billings and his squad are capable of laying down a lethal barrage of plasma into the advancing Sons, cutting them down. Billings is so determined in his belief of the superiority of plasma weapons that he is currently petitioning the techmarines to outfit one of the predators to carry a plasma cannon with plasma gun sponsons, which the techmarines are looking in to. |

Tactical Squad III Hicks
The 3rd Tactical squad suffered several casualties on Delios, and the ten-man squad was cut down to six in the pursuit of the Thousand Sons. The squad's original armament was the standard missile launcher and flamer, but when Thousand Sons marines attacked their positions, bolters and flamers were ineffective against the Chaos Marines. It was only the timely arrival of the 2nd squad with their preference for plasma weapons that drove the Thousand Sons back. After that battle Sergeant Hicks requested a plasma gun and cannon to fight the Thousand Sons.
In battle the squad is used to bolster Dark Angel lines, speeding in their Razorback to weak points where they are most needed. On the planet of |

Kuged the Dark Angels were holding against an Eldar attack when several squads of aspect warriors broke through their lines. Hicks ordered the Razorback driver to head straight into the breakthrough, and the vehicle ran a few Eldar down before the squad disembarked and ripped into the Eldar, beating them back and wining the day. |

Tactical Squad IV Poe
The 4th squad is armed and equipped for an anti-armour role and has performed many tank hunting operations, sometimes with the aid of Ravenwing Attack Bikes armed with Multi-Meltas. The squad has an impressive tally of vehicle kills to its name, and they has become experts at finding weak spots in armour and blowing them wide open. Due to the number of heavy weapons in the squad, they are also ideally suited to dealing with monstrous creatures such as hive tyrants or Grater Daemons. In a battle against the Thousand Sons, a lord of change was summoned onto the battlefield and charged into the Dark Angels. Poe calmly directed his squad to fire at the daemon, scoring several wounds on it, which weakened it's grip in realspace enough for the assault squads to banish it back to the warp. The squad is also responsible for stopping a Thousand Sons sorcerer lord form overloading the power generates on Serjo II, at literally the last minute. The Dark Angels had learnt of the plot through the Ravenwing and moved to stop them. It was a hard battle fighting through Thousand Sons marines to reach the control centre of the generaters. Poe's squad was the first to break through and came across the |

sorcerer lord in the final stages of overloading the generators. The lord turned in time to catch a lethal volley of bolt shells, lascannon beams and melta blasts dead on, killing him instantly. |

Tactical Squad V
Tactical squad 5 was another squad that had to be reorganized due to casualties suffered on Delios. The squad held off the orks while the others boarded the thunderhawks and lost several members doing so. Since then Hart has lead the squad on infiltration raids, as Battle Force Fury has no scouts at present. Hart and his men have used the skills they learnt while serving as scouts to good use even in their cumbersome power armour they can still sneak past enemy pickets and patrols to perform guerilla raids against supply lines and bases. In one infiltration raid they tracked a squad of Death Guard marines through the jungles of Kiln, hunting them down and picking them off one by one until only three chaos marines remained. The Death Guard formed a defensive ring in a clearing to make their last stand, so Hart attacked in the dead of night and all three were killed. |