STRIKE FORCE DIRE ANGELS By Stephen King (Brother Gideon) |
These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Stephen King. |
Dire Angel Command Squad Men: 6
Notes: The Dire Angel Command Squad was formed with firepower in mind. Marines equipped with the finest of Storm Bolters were chosen. The command squad not only expects the best from their subordinates, they expect the best from each other. Most of the squad detaches to join others, and bolster their moral, and efficiency. Malachai is generally spotted assisting the Dire Spears with target |

Name: Nethaniel Rank: Apothecary
Wargear: Master Crafted Storm Bolter (Pattern XXXIV), Master Crafted Power Sword, Melta-Bombs, Narthecium.
Notes: Nethanial is a young Apothecary, still learning the medical doctrine of the Dark Angels. He is, however, a devoted and capable warrior. He does not carry a reductor due to his inexperience, but is capable enough to use a Narthecium. Upon earning his rank of Apothicary, he was awarded the Pattern XXXIV Storm Bolter he carries. The Master Crafted Power Sword was given to him upon completing his studies in Marine Physiology. Taechalius requested that Nethaniel be inducted into his command squad after seeing the young Apothecary mend the wounds of a fallen comrade while protecting him from a hail of autocannon fire. His diligence has earned him respect, even among the infamous Deathwing. |
Name: Malachai Rank: Techmarine
Wargear: Storm Bolter (Pattern XXIX), Angel's Talon, Signum, Melta-bombs.
Name: Trikus Rank: Master Sergeant
Wargear: Storm Bolter (pattern XXXV), Master Crafted Power Sword, Melta-Bombs. |
Name: Devous (honored)
Wargear: Plasma Cannon. Notes: Corporal Devous is a time bomb. He fires fast and generally without discretion. Though inherently dangerous, he is also fearless, often standing in plain view and in an elevated position. Devous' foolhardy tactics may be a death wish or an un-relentless search for glory. Only Devous knows the fate he seeks. Taechalius views him as a heart-strong fighter, worth every risk he poses. Once, after the squad had ducked down to avoid in-coming artillery barrages, Devous jumped up, hitting the enemy while they expose themselves to take advantage of their fire support. For this he was honored with a purity seal, which he proudly displays on his plasma cannon. |

Name: Kataras
Wargear: Plasma Rifle.
Notes: Kataras is a young warrior, having just received his promotion to Lance Corporal. He is eager to please, but hesitant to fire. Believing that every shot should be from the heart, Kataras still practices lessons he learned as a scout sniper with his Plasma Rifle. Indeed he is quite a shot, though fires less often than his brethren. Lion willing, Kataras may become a very talented Devastator someday. |
acquisition and weapon maintenance. De'Haleaus commonly walked along side the Dire Shields, reminding the squad of their duty, pride, and to remain ever vigilant. Nethaniel generally stays with Taechalius, but has been known to assist any squad that may become vulnerable to enemy fire.

Notes: Malachai is, simply put, a mechanical genus. He can feel, some even say, speak with the machine spirits, and is gifted by the machine god. Malachai, however, uses an unholy fervor to repair vehicles and equipment. Though this would normally be substantial enough a crime to become a repentant and cast from the chapter, the tech priests give Malachai an unusual amount of leniency because of his great skill. Using the corrupted diagrams of an age-old hand weapon and the completed diagram of lightning claws, he created the "Angels Talon". When imbedded into an object, the user may activate retractable spines along the surface of the blades. The spines stand on end, cutting the enemy, inside out. In essence, it acts as a Master Crafted Lightning Claw. Malachai was also presented with an Iron Halo from his former master for reasons unknown. |

Notes: Trikus is dark and unforgiving. He is not a great leader, but is incredibly ruthless in his actions. One of his most notable actions was on the planet Dervus, after the Siege of Hell's Cliff. After the chaos attack was blunted, then annihilated, he returned to the city were his men's Thunderhawk was waiting. After finding a squad of Guardsmen guarding a large wooden structure where the denizens had taken shelter during the three day battle, he had become enraged. While his men watched, Trikus killed the squad of guardsmen, then burnt the structure to the ground, killing all the men, women, and children inside it. When asked why, he had explained the Guardsmen were executed for cowardice, the citizens for failing to protect the interests of the imperium. While there is nothing particularly special about Trikus' equipment, he has become so adept at using his weapons (as much for punishment, as in combat) that they act much as though they were Master Crafted. Trikus also carries what is left of Taechalius' standard, though it's not much.
