Grand Master Malloc
Malloc D'Avenal has been Grand Master of the 5th company for only 40 years. Despite his short tenure, Malloc has gained a reputation as one of the strongest leaders in the Dark Angels distinguished history. The Past 35 years of Malloc's command have been spent aboard the Battle Barge Faithful Servant, on a mission to counter the recent raids by Chaos forces in vicinity of Thardos-10. The members of the Inner Circle suspect that a number of the Fallen may be assisting the forces of Chaos in these Raids. Malloc carries with him a powerful weapon known as the Blade of Truth. This ancient relic was bestowed upon Malloc by the members of the Inner Circle upon his achieving the title of Grand Master. This mighty weapon has aided in many of Malloc's victories. A trophy of one such victory is the Alien Artifact of Eldar origin that Malloc wears into combat. |
These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Michael Bucheri |
Command Squad Vengeance
A command squad consisting of many of his must trusted battle brothers often accompanies Malloc:
Brother Maynard, keeper of the sacred standards was a member of the first Tactical squad Malloc led as a Sergeant. Upon Receiving the Blade of Truth, Malloc gifted his friend Maynard with his Mighty |
Interrogator-Chaplain octavius & Command Squad Tempest
Due to the secretive nature of Malloc's real motive for this mission, a second command unit lead by an Interrogator-Chaplain was added to conduct the hunt for the Fallen, freeing Malloc to deal with tactical issues.
Interrogator-Chaplain Octavius is a veteran of a thousand campaigns. His abilities at locating the fallen are second only to Asmodai himself. Carried into battle in his personal Razorback |
Most Revered Brother Umfridus
A former Deathwing sergeant, Umfridus was mortally wounded defending a communications installation on Ixa-5 from an Ork attack. After being made one with the Machine, Umfridus has served the Emperor for seven hundred years. After learning of Adamus' offer to volunteer, Umfridus also offered his assistance to Malloc. |
Power Axe. Brother Crispianus, 5th company apothecary, has served the Dark Angels in this role for well over a century. He has saved the lives of countless Battle Brothers, Malloc not withstanding. Veteran Sergeant Martinus, Hand chosen by Malloc to lead his command squad. Armed with a mighty power fist, Martinus makes for an excellent ally in close quarters fighting. |

Vindication of Faith, Octavius and a small tactical command probe deep within the enemy lines to find and capture the Fallen. Brother Lucias, Techmarine of the 5th company has been maintaining the sacred war machines for two and a half centuries. Lucias' reputation for fixing field damage is legendary within the Dark angels. Armed with a bolt pistol, power axe and a servo arm Lucias is a formidable foe on the battlefield. Veteran Sergeant Tobias and the first tactical squad (Tempest) are the personal bodyguards of Interrogator-Chaplain Octavius. This is the most distinguished post within the 5th company's ranks. Only the most loyal space marines are asked to join the 1st tactical squad. These battle brothers will be the next group to be inducted into the Deathwing.
2nd Deathwing Terminator Squad (Mortis) |
Veteran Sergeant Adamus has been a loyal friend of Malloc for over a century. When word spread of the young Grand Master's mission, Adamus quickly volunteered to help his friend by offering to |
join his crusade. Malloc welcomed the assistance of the Deathwing. |