These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Larry Grayson |
Tactical Squad #6 - "Dark Avengers" Led by Sergeant Kolphuir. Seven bolters, a flamer and a missle launcher. |
Scout Squad #1, code name "Alpha", Led by Veteran Sergeant Kohler, who is a master with a chainsword. His four-man squad is very well trained in hand-to-hand combat. |
Sergeant Slaughter Enos, Venerable Dreadnaught Sergeant Enos was an original member of Squad #1 when the 3rd Company was first formed over 1,000 years ago. When alive in human form, Sergeant Enos fought in the terrible 200 Year War against the Dark Eldar and was personally responsible for over 25,000 recorded combat kills. He was fatally wounded in defense of the Rock when his squad stood off an entire company of Khorne Berserkers for 4 days with no relief. His remains were interred inside his metal tomb so that he might fight on indefinitely. He is armed with an assault cannon, close combat claw and storm bolter. |

Captain Hidalgo Ramirez, Dreadnaught
Captain Ramirez was fatally wounded in a fight against a Tyranid swarm on Planet L'Forge. His body had been literally torn apart and all of his limbs were missing when they found him. Since his brain still functioned, he was interred inside a dreadnaught and armed with twin linked lascannons and a missle launcher so that he could continue to support the troops of the 3rd Company. |

Sergeant Yuriv Vagostinof, Dreadnaught
Sergeant Vagostinof is an old MK2-105 model dreadnaught and was transferred into 3rd Company just after the battle on Grifton's Planet from Dark Angels 4th company that had been utterly anihilated on Alpha-Terra. Records for this other company were destroyed and Sergeant Vagostinof has not spoken since his transfer, so his past is somewhat a mystery. We can only hope that the 4th company's trust was not mispaced when they chose Yuri for this honor. He is armed with twin-linked bolters, assault cannon and a "hurricane" style missle launcher. |
Scout Squad #2, code name "Beta", Led by Veteran Sergeant Jujung-Pin. His four-man squad favors bolters and shotguns and provide support fire while the other scout squads are moving into position.
Scout Squad #3, code name "Xray", Led by Sergeant Blinq Histax. His four-man squad are expert marksmen and are armed with sniper rifles. |