These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Larry Grayson |

Well, here's a first look at the Angels of Absolution 3rd Company. They lost nearly 75% of their company on Grifton's Planet stopping a Necron invasion. Sergeant Hawkerton's (3rd tactical Squad) last transmitted words as he detonated the power station to keep it from falling into enemy hands were, "... these abominations won't die properly ... just keep getting back up ... do not send reinforcements ... send grave markers ... (message terminated abruptly)" It's taken nearly a full year to rebuild the company in preparation of the Eye of Terror campaign after the bloody fight on Grifton's Planet. Depicted here is the roster of the restored company, along with a list of units that are currently undergoing refitting and training. Note that there are squads on loan from the 1st & 2nd companies, as well as scouts from one of the Dark Angels reserve companies on Hifjaar 7. There are no green troops in this company; all are seasoned space marines who have seen their friends die beside them on countless occassions. They are eager for something to put in their bolters' crosshairs. Note that, except for the squad banners and the standard bearer, all of the company's banners (including Azreal's) are being restored. |

Eversor Assassin M'borgas Tyreene. Also on loan from the emperor for the Eye of Terror campaign. A drug-crazed fanatic and a close combat demon. No one knows anything about him and no one wants to know. |

Father Bliphome, a chaplin much loved by the men in 3rd Company. He wears a jump pack and seems to be everywhere during a battle, urging the men on and ministering to the fallen. It was largely due to his efforts that the 3rd Company was not entirely wiped out on Grifton's Planet.
Father Ha'lal Brunth, a chaplin and honorary member of the Deathwing. No one is quite sure how or when he joined the 3rd Company. It is rumored that he is very close to Azreal and that they fought together in the same tactical squad when they were very young, before either of them joined the Deathwing. He is a creepy sort and speaks very few words to anyone, but is absolutely fearless with a storm bolter in his hands. The men may not like him much, but they sure as hell respect him.
Revered Master Librarian Jonka Dim, also a member of the Deathwing and responsible for keeping proper records of the all who enter and leave the company. To date, the only way anyone has ever left the 3rd Company is feet-first in a plasteel box or by vanishing in a puff of oxidized vapor. It is rumored that he can recite the name of each of the fallen from memory, but no one has had the patience to test him as yet. |

Twenty two members of the Absolution Deathwing, lead by Master Ja'al Cumbak Ja-eer. Ja-eer is Azreal's right hand and his most trusted combat advisor during his sojourn with the third company. Ja-eer is most famous for being the sole survivor on Reghula when the Tyranids launched their surprise offensive. |

During the extensive refitting of the company it was visited by the supreme grandmaster of the Dark Angels chapter on a courtesy visit and were honoured by his presence during the recent conflicts. The command Squad, consisting of six veterans, venerable standard bearer, a tech marine and an apothecary. The six veterans are always cloaked in robes and have been extensively trained in all manners of hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. It is rumored that one of these members of the "inner circle" actually used to be a Vindicare assassin, but this most likely has no truth to it at all. Although unusal for space marine chapters, the third company has had occasion to request the assitance of two members of the officio assassinorum in their pursuit of the necron forces.
Vindicare Assassin Caas Minxet, On loan from the emperor specifically for the Eye of Terror campaign, he reports only to Azreal. Rumors have it that he was responsible for the assassination of Supreme Warboss K'Zak Grundfootz on Orcanista with a single shot from over 2,500 meters away. |

Ja-eer and a regiment of 40 terminators stood off the invasion for a week before reinforcements could be podded in to assist them. When the reinforcements landed, they found Ja-eer sitting on a mound of dead Tyranids, his bolter completely empty. His left arm was broken in 3 places. All around him were dead space marines, their all-but-invulnerable terminator armor acid-charred and cracked open. When he was questioned about what had happened, he simply said, "All of my men are dead. I am alive. The enemy has been defeated. Anything else you need to know?" The Deathwing is supported by a newly commissioned Land Raider. |