Sean Patten is the Webmaster of the amazing "Necromundicon" web site, which covers a lot of modelling and scenary creation. One of the uniques features is the completely scratch-built Dark Angels Thunderhawk Gunship you see below. |
An example of looting the Space Wolves for models- a barely converted Ulrik the Slayer in Dark Angels colors. Now that plenty of other nice chaplains are out, I've been tempted to repaint this model for my Space Wolves, but I just like the way the paint came out on this guy too much to repaint it. My favorite element is the Leopard skin cloak. The inside of the cloak is painted white with little black splotches on it. |
Grandmaster of Librarians Ezekiel
This model is so damn nice, I just couldn't bring myself to do any conversions at all. I painted Ezekiel with the same colors as all my veterans. The robes are surprisingly dirty for a character- but there's no doubt he's been in the field that way. Rather than go for a garish color on the force sword, I painted it black and just drybrushed it steel. Quick, easy, and effective. |
Supreme Grandmaster Azrael
I painted Azrael with the same colors as the rest of my veterans- so he's pretty gritty looking as a result. I might try to get his chest icon to stand out a bit more by putting some gold into it, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with the way he came out. It's obvious he was an inspiration when the new veteran models were sculpted, they share many traits! Now I just need to build a few more of those veterans...

Standard Bearer
I was having so much fun doing conversions with the veteran models, I decided to make my own standard bearer rather than use the Bethor model. First off, I wanted him to have a power glove, so I used one from the new Space Wolf accessory sprue, with a veteran pad added over it. I like to give my standard bearers power gloves- helps 'em keep a grip on that standard! The sword on the back is from an old High Elf Chariot model- I just liked the way it looked on the back (a bit hard to use a 2 handed sword with a power glove).The standard (and the arm holding it) are from a completely seperate standard bearer model (the one that comes in the command squad, I believe). To make the laurels stand out from the dark green armor, I highlighted the green with yellow. |