STRIKE FORCE CHRISTOPHE By Thomas Berentsen (Powerfist) |
These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Thomas Baerentsen. Strike force background created, written and edited by Shadow Guard. |

The Imperium of man encompasses a vast region of space and within it function the many facets of the emperor's forces. Many such forces remain within the shadows, waging a war tha most cannot see. The long arm of the inquisition works within such mysterious boundaries. Occasionally rumours are heard of mysterious forces aiding the besieged imperial garrisons. Sometimes the words Strike Force Christophe are spoken in hushed terms. Little is known about this force except that they fight on the side of righteousness. It is rumoured that they hold a dark secret and may have been the progeny of Lion El Jonson, the primarch of the Dark Angels. Yet they have been seen to sport the iconography of the emperor's holy inquisition and seen to fight alongside such inquisitorial forces. Much remains a mystery yet the death and destruction they unleash on the enemies of the imperium validates their prowess. |

The first company of this chapter of spacemarines is known to be called Knightwing. Further confusing imperial scholars is their utilization of tactical dreadnought armour which resembles those worn by the Gray Knights chapter. However, it is abundantly clear that these space marines do not possess the psychic abilities of the Grey Knights chapter. The Knightwing is led by Brother Christophe who is always accompanied by his command retinue of four terminator bodyguard. Christophe has led his strike force for more than two hundred years, cleansing the Southern fringes of the emperor's enemies while pursueing a hidden agenda, known only to himself and his closest advisors. Despite this they remain in the service of the Inquissition, fulfilling some ancient pact or oath that has retained their service for nearly 500 years. |
Knightwing Brother Bridges |
Knightwing Brother Riveron |
These four battl brothers have stood beside Christophe for more than 200 years. They are the only souls who are privy to their Grandmaster's secrets, especially their hidden agenda as well as the reason for their servitude to the Inquisition. Brothers Bridges and Miller are expert in the use of the heavy flamer, the former having a chainfist while the latter is armed with a powerfist. Their close combat weapons are modified to resemble knightly arms rather than the usual arms attached to tactical dreadnought armour. Brothers Whitrap and Riveron prefer the flurry of lightning claws in the assault. |
Knightwing Brothers Miller & Whitrap |