STRIKE FORCE INVIGILIUM By (Benj1117 & Orkfather) |
These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Ork Father |
Strike Force Invigilium
Strike Force Invigilium was a small but powerful Deathwing force detatched to deal with the predations of the Charadon orks after they destroyed the fortress monastary and overran the homeworld of the Crimson Fists chapter. The entire Ravenwing company intervened in the initial stages deploying from their experimental jet bikes to assist their battle brothers. However after the ork waagh had been rolled back, the hunt began for the Arch Arsonist of Charadon, and strike force invigilium was released, travelling onboard their fast Strike Cruiser Invigilium. |
Master of Deathwing Mordran
Recruited from the feral world of Piscina V, Mordran has a particular aversion to ork, following their abortive invasion of Piscina IV. He excels at lightning strikes against ork warbosses and has been tracking the arch arsonist for the past sixty decades. He has sworn never to shave his head until he has killed his antagonist in personal combat. |

Command Squad Mordran
Accompanying their commander everywhere is the six man command squad. Led by veteran sergeant Bellus the cumulative experience of fighting the ork armies in this squad is phenomenal. Armed with two assault cannons they have the firpwoer to easily overcome the vast orky hordes and make up for the lack of stormbolters within the squad. Three members with lightning claws are armed specifically to strike rapidly against the cumbersome mega-armour won by the bodyguards of the arch arsonist.
The single vehicle attached to the strike force is a landraider crusader, again armed with the ability to lay down massive firepower in the face of the vast green hordes. Commonly used for tactical reconnaissance, it is not uncommon for Mordran and his squad to venture out in the landraider crusader alone. Upon making contact with the ork hordes, his fellow deathwing squads teleport down within their midst while the dreadnoughts descend in drop pods if their presence was needed. |

Deathwing Squads Primus and Secundus
The line strength of the strike force, two squads of terminators, one armed for ranged combat with cyclone missile launchers and the other armed with storm shields and thunderhammers for close combat. Two dreadnoughts, brothers Tentro and Marco support each squad. tentro, armed with the long ranged twin lascannons compliments the firepower of the cyclones and provides additional close combat power with his powerfist. Marco's shorter ranged assault cannon, is ideal for dealing with the large number of orks as his support squad secundus charges forward with their thunderhammers. |