05 January 2003
Deep within the core of the Asteroid that was once Caliban lie a myriad of dungeons and passageways. Ancient caverns that predated the heresy lie side by side with those cored out by modern science. Some such chambers are so secret that very few within the entire chapter know even of their existence. Within one such chamber called the Liber Mortis Angelus lie great tomes and data crystals bristling with a vast array of information. Secreted within the depths of the Liber Mortis Angelus lies a single massive tome with embedded data crystals that chronicle the entire history of the Dark Angels Legion and their Unforgiven chapters, from their inception by the most benevolent emperor to their current activities.
Only the Grandmasters of the Inner Circle even know of it's existence, let alone its content. It is the most complete accumulation of the events comprising the history of the Dark Angels. It is called the
I am now concentrating on the Antiquitus Angelus Tenbrae section, chronicling many historical events and chapter details in that section. The first part is now ready for your viewing pleasure.
Please remember that this is one version of events that have occurred over the past 10,000 years and there are aspects that some may disagree or even contest , but such are the sands of time, that history becomes legends, and then myths and finally spoken as fables! |

14 February 2003
having returned from a three week holiday I am now able to add more to the Fortress web site. A huge influx of potential dark Angel players have been flooding the DA forum at the B+C web site. This will likely increase as the Eye Of Terror campaign commences and the Dark Angels mobilise to face Abaddon.
Therefore, with a view to helping newcomers and new dark Angel players in to the hobby i have completed an article describing the basic steps towards creatin a well balanced starter army with one strong eye on minimising the overall costs of purchase. "Command Primus" is now available for your reading pleasure! |

1 March 2003
It is with great pride that I am able to announce that the Fortress of the Unforgiven is now two years old. It is almost hard to belive that from its humble beginnings as a simple website to display the images of my Shadow Guards army, it has eveolved in to what I hope is the most comprehensive Dark Angel web site.
Today, to celebrate the second anniversary of the inception of this site, I present to you a detailed study of the structure and composition of the Dark Angels chapter.
Much of its success is attributed to the Bolter + Chainsword chat forum, which through its Dark Angel forum is able to maintain a fantastic group of Dark Angels players gathered in one place. This accomplishment would not also have been possible without the participation of the gaming fraternity who have encouraged, supported and even submitted to thsi web site.
This web site at present contains more than 450 pages and weighs in at a moderate 85 Mb in size.
Within the Librarius Corona Intimus, 38 complete armies are displayed in all their glory including 11 Deathwing, 3 Ravenwing and 24 Dark Angel forces, making it the single largest collection of dark Angel armies on the web.
For those wanting fiction, 22 pieces of glorious tales of the heroic actions by the dark Angels adorn the Librarium Fabulosus along with 11 decitations on battle tactics in the Doctrinae Angelus Tenebrae section. Another 11 articles on painting and conversions are present within the Apothecarium.
Another addition to the Apothecarium technologica is the contribution by Eastern heretic on "Painting my Deathwing".
Keeping with the concept of constant improvements to the site, I have concentrated on a a rather egotistical aspect of the site. The main impetus for continueing to put n the hours and the toil in to this site is the sheer enjoyment it gives me and also the feedback I receive from gamers, hobbyists, fanatical Dark Angels and other webmasters. I have intermittantly applied for assessments by other websites, and those web awards that have been presented are displayed in the Awards section. That has now been updated to reflect the comments passed by those webmasters.
I have also added a section to display the emeail comments sent in to me about the site. This is simply an ego trip for me but also one that gives me some satisfaction that all the work is indeed being appreciated by atleast a thankful few. The fotress site's comments and feedback section combines acces to the guest book, emails and web awards. Have a look and see what others thought of this site. |

9 March 2003
The Fortress site continues to expand with much contributions from the gaming public. The latest is the addition of an all encompassing tactical article called "Tactica Angelus Tenebrae" by Chaplain Lucifer.
In addition Gavin Thorpe has been honoured in the "Angelus Honoris" section of the Halls of Honour for his recent authorship of the brilliant novel Angels of Darkness! |
30 March 2003
Continueing my treatise of the Dark Angels chapter organization, this update presents a detailed and in-depth study of the Deathwing Organization in "Phalanx Mortis" |
13 April 2003
Three more web awards have been received by te Fortress site. You can see them in the awards section. |

16 MAY 2003
Son of the heretic, despoiler of worlds, Abaddon is his name One score and two beaten was he, surges once more destruction his aim!
Brace thy hearts and steel thy soul To face the enemy and his abominations so foul!
Guns of the guard thirst; proud battle fleets stir; The emperor's praetorians, the angels of death
To face the coming test they come from afar To stand in harms way with the shield of their faith
True sons of the Lion, the emperor's finest First of the first and the best of the best
Unforgiven we may be, our regent in slumber Despoiler's plans we shall smash asunder!
Protect the innocent, defence their need, uphold the emperor's law and his creed
Relentless battle, defiant victory, honourable death, our true destiny
Infidels shall bleed, heretics burn Unbelievers be crushed and the fallen return!
Honour retained! Faith replenished! Redemption is at hand! Let us face the damned!
This summer there will be a reckoning
The Inner Circle presents
Be prepared!
No Retreat! No Surrender! |

This is a record of the evolution and progress of this web site based on the documented updates, thought processes and events. I hope it may act as a record for posterity and as an idea of how this site evolved from a simple place for displaying my images of the Shadow Guards Army to one that hopes to be the ultimate resource site for the Dark Angels. |

16 MAY 2003
Son of the heretic, despoiler of worlds, Abaddon is his name One score and two beaten was he, surges once more destruction his aim!
Brace thy hearts and steel thy soul To face the enemy and his abominations so foul!
Guns of the guard thirst; proud battle fleets stir; The emperor's praetorians, the angels of death
To face the coming test they come from afar To stand in harms way with the shield of their faith
True sons of the Lion, the emperor's finest First of the first and the best of the best
Unforgiven we may be, our regent in slumber Despoiler's plans we shall smash asunder!
Protect the innocent, defence their need, uphold the emperor's law and his creed
Relentless battle, defiant victory, honourable death, our true destiny
Infidels shall bleed, heretics burn Unbelievers be crushed and the fallen return!
Honour retained! Faith replenished! Redemption is at hand! Let us face the damned!
This summer there will be a reckoning
The Inner Circle presents
Be prepared!
No Retreat! No Surrender! |

13 April 2003
Three more web awards have been received by te Fortress site. You can see them in the awards section. |
30 March 2003
Continueing my treatise of the Dark Angels chapter organization, this update presents a detailed and in-depth study of the Deathwing Organization in "Phalanx Mortis" |
9 March 2003
The Fortress site continues to expand with much contributions from the gaming public. The latest is the addition of an all encompassing tactical article called "Tactica Angelus Tenebrae" by Chaplain Lucifer.
In addition Gavin Thorpe has been honoured in the "Angelus Honoris" section of the Halls of Honour for his recent authorship of the brilliant novel Angels of Darkness! |

1 March 2003
It is with great pride that I am able to announce that the Fortress of the Unforgiven is now two years old. It is almost hard to belive that from its humble beginnings as a simple website to display the images of my Shadow Guards army, it has eveolved in to what I hope is the most comprehensive Dark Angel web site.
Today, to celebrate the second anniversary of the inception of this site, I present to you a detailed study of the structure and composition of the Dark Angels chapter.
Much of its success is attributed to the Bolter + Chainsword chat forum, which through its Dark Angel forum is able to maintain a fantastic group of Dark Angels players gathered in one place. This accomplishment would not also have been possible without the participation of the gaming fraternity who have encouraged, supported and even submitted to thsi web site.
This web site at present contains more than 450 pages and weighs in at a moderate 85 Mb in size.
Within the Librarius Corona Intimus, 38 complete armies are displayed in all their glory including 11 Deathwing, 3 Ravenwing and 24 Dark Angel forces, making it the single largest collection of dark Angel armies on the web.
For those wanting fiction, 22 pieces of glorious tales of the heroic actions by the dark Angels adorn the Librarium Fabulosus along with 11 decitations on battle tactics in the Doctrinae Angelus Tenebrae section. Another 11 articles on painting and conversions are present within the Apothecarium.
Another addition to the Apothecarium technologica is the contribution by Eastern heretic on "Painting my Deathwing".
Keeping with the concept of constant improvements to the site, I have concentrated on a a rather egotistical aspect of the site. The main impetus for continueing to put n the hours and the toil in to this site is the sheer enjoyment it gives me and also the feedback I receive from gamers, hobbyists, fanatical Dark Angels and other webmasters. I have intermittantly applied for assessments by other websites, and those web awards that have been presented are displayed in the Awards section. That has now been updated to reflect the comments passed by those webmasters.
I have also added a section to display the emeail comments sent in to me about the site. This is simply an ego trip for me but also one that gives me some satisfaction that all the work is indeed being appreciated by atleast a thankful few. The fotress site's comments and feedback section combines acces to the guest book, emails and web awards. Have a look and see what others thought of this site. |

14 February 2003
having returned from a three week holiday I am now able to add more to the Fortress web site. A huge influx of potential dark Angel players have been flooding the DA forum at the B+C web site. This will likely increase as the Eye Of Terror campaign commences and the Dark Angels mobilise to face Abaddon.
Therefore, with a view to helping newcomers and new dark Angel players in to the hobby i have completed an article describing the basic steps towards creatin a well balanced starter army with one strong eye on minimising the overall costs of purchase. "Command Primus" is now available for your reading pleasure! |

05 January 2003
Deep within the core of the Asteroid that was once Caliban lie a myriad of dungeons and passageways. Ancient caverns that predated the heresy lie side by side with those cored out by modern science. Some such chambers are so secret that very few within the entire chapter know even of their existence. Within one such chamber called the Liber Mortis Angelus lie great tomes and data crystals bristling with a vast array of information. Secreted within the depths of the Liber Mortis Angelus lies a single massive tome with embedded data crystals that chronicle the entire history of the Dark Angels Legion and their Unforgiven chapters, from their inception by the most benevolent emperor to their current activities.
Only the Grandmasters of the Inner Circle even know of it's existence, let alone its content. It is the most complete accumulation of the events comprising the history of the Dark Angels. It is called the
I am now concentrating on the Antiquitus Angelus Tenbrae section, chronicling many historical events and chapter details in that section. The first part is now ready for your viewing pleasure.
Please remember that this is one version of events that have occurred over the past 10,000 years and there are aspects that some may disagree or even contest , but such are the sands of time, that history becomes legends, and then myths and finally spoken as fables! |
