21 December 2002
The festive season is yet again upon us and like the rest of humanity, the Fortress of the Unfrogiven ia also preparing the welcome the New Season!
Chronicle of Averam is another brilliant piece of fiction by Jacob Stow ( Librarian Sheol) describing the events on a primitive feudal planet during an intervention by the Dark Angels.
With the addition of hese two pieces of fiction the total number of stories available for the avid reader has risen to a mighty 22. I believe this is the largest collection of Dark Angel fiction availale on the web.
The gradual process of updating the Fortress site, section by section, continues. The Halls of Honour has been revised once more in to an approacheable fashion, with the names of all the contributors arranged in alphabetical order within their assigned section. The honours have also been laid out in an easily discernible manner.
As the Fortress site rapidly approaches it's second anniversary, recently hitting the 45,000 hit mark, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported, contributed, visited and enjoyed this site for everything they have done. Hope you all have a pleasant and enjoyable festive season, and remember to drive carefully!
Merry Christmas + Happy New Year! |

27 November 2002
The gradual process of slowly updating the Fortress site, section by section, continues. The Halls of Honour has been revised in a more approacheable fashion, with the names of all the contributors arranged in alphabetical order within their assigned section. |
3 November 2002
A magnificent diorama created by a master modeller, Insaniak is now available for viewing at the Fortress. This amazing diorama was originally created with the Australian Golden Demon contest in mind, but sadly became delayed. Insaniak has kindly allowed me to publish his diorama and his step by step work in progress called "Brother Against Brother" for your viewing pleasure. You can see toher similar works of craftmanship at his web site Infernus. |

17 November 2002
A major revamp of the entire Codex: Unforgiven has been now completed. The most recent changes to the Codex: Dark Angels have rectified most of the deficiencies of the earlier codex, and thus this revision of the Codex Unforgiven became necessary. It now takes in to account all the new changes and yet adds a little bit more in terms of wargear, special rules and additional company lists, including the rules for 8th Reserve (Assault) Company, 9th Reserve (Devastator) Company, 10th Scout Company and the Ironwing Battle group.
New special rules include "Combat Squads & Overwatch" for the 40K3 rules which should increase the flexibility of the tactical squads.
Another fantastic tutorial on how to make Dynamic Terminators is also now up for viewing in the Apothecarium Technologica. The article is as yet incomplete and will continue as soon as Brother Lorien publishes the rest of his work. |

30 October 2002
A magnificent strike force of fast attack specialists, a a brilliantly modelled Ravenwing army by Master Toddius finally makes it to the display section of this Fortress! Strike Force Corvus is now here for your viewing pleasure!. IIn addition a short Stanza called Memories of an Angel has been kindly submitted by Brother Captain Magnii a ten year Dark Angel Veteran. It is a foretaste of many such submissions to come! |
28 October 2002
Yet another Grandmaster of theDark Angels chapters resorts to displaying his mught here at the Fortress. You can now enjoy the images of Grandmaster Sobek and his strike force at Strike Force Sobek. |

26 October 2002
After a considerable period of inactivity as the dust settled after the completion of the first Fortress Site competition, more updates are on the way. Two modelling and conversion articles have been added to the Apothecarium Technologica section of the site. One is a magnificent step by step article on converting a Deathwing Terminator Librarian, the honoured two-heads Talking himself! The second is a smaller article on Hand painting a Deathwing symbol. Both wrer provided by the master modeller Brother Lorien.
Another turn of events is the creation of a Dark Angel Inner Circle by Grandmaster Owen Rees. The five members of the inner circle will share their thoughts on many matters inlcuding their gaming experinces, modelling ideas, progress in their hobbies and many other facts. You can find the musings of the Inner Circle here. |

This is a record of the evolution and progress of this web site based on the documented updates, thought processes and events. I hope it may act as a record for posterity and as an idea of how this site evolved from a simple place for displaying my images of the Shadow Guards Army to one that hopes to be the ultimate resource site for the Dark Angels. |
Judging of the contestants of the Dark Angels Army competition is proceding well at present. In preparation for the final assessment two new medals have been created. The green Olympus Honoris is awarded to all those who participate in any of the competitions held at the fortress. The winners of such competitions are awarded the red skulled Olympus Victor medal. |
30 September 2002
On the 1st of March The Fortress of the Unforgiven left its infancy behind by celebrating its first birthday. To celebrate this achievement and to recognize the huge contributions made by many Dark Angel players a Dark Angel Army Competition is being conducted at this site. |
The competition was open to any Dark Angel player and was intended to reward Dark Angel players who have put in the effort to create historically accurate armies. The competition closed for submissions on the 31st of August.
Adjudication has been extremely difficult and the contest has been very closely fought. Congratulations to all the competitors who had entered the competition in the spirit of gamesnamship.
Press on the portal to the right to find out the winners! |
19 October 2002 - 40,000 Hits
Today is a historical day for the Fortress site. 40,000 visits to this site have been recorded. 20 months and 40,000 hits is really beyond my wildest dreams. ( I was expecting around 10,000 / year when I revamped the site in March 2001)
A big thank you to everyone who has visited the site, special thanks to those who wrote in the guest book and much gratitude to all those who contributed. |

26 October 2002
After a considerable period of inactivity as the dust settled after the completion of the first Fortress Site competition, more updates are on the way. Two modelling and conversion articles have been added to the Apothecarium Technologica section of the site. One is a magnificent step by step article on converting a Deathwing Terminator Librarian, the honoured two-heads Talking himself! The second is a smaller article on Hand painting a Deathwing symbol. Both wrer provided by the master modeller Brother Lorien.
Another turn of events is the creation of a Dark Angel Inner Circle by Grandmaster Owen Rees. The five members of the inner circle will share their thoughts on many matters inlcuding their gaming experinces, modelling ideas, progress in their hobbies and many other facts. You can find the musings of the Inner Circle here. |

28 October 2002
Yet another Grandmaster of theDark Angels chapters resorts to displaying his mught here at the Fortress. You can now enjoy the images of Grandmaster Sobek and his strike force at Strike Force Sobek. |
30 October 2002
A magnificent strike force of fast attack specialists, a a brilliantly modelled Ravenwing army by Master Toddius finally makes it to the display section of this Fortress! Strike Force Corvus is now here for your viewing pleasure!. IIn addition a short Stanza called Memories of an Angel has been kindly submitted by Brother Captain Magnii a ten year Dark Angel Veteran. It is a foretaste of many such submissions to come! |

17 November 2002
A major revamp of the entire Codex: Unforgiven has been now completed. The most recent changes to the Codex: Dark Angels have rectified most of the deficiencies of the earlier codex, and thus this revision of the Codex Unforgiven became necessary. It now takes in to account all the new changes and yet adds a little bit more in terms of wargear, special rules and additional company lists, including the rules for 8th Reserve (Assault) Company, 9th Reserve (Devastator) Company, 10th Scout Company and the Ironwing Battle group.
New special rules include "Combat Squads & Overwatch" for the 40K3 rules which should increase the flexibility of the tactical squads.
Another fantastic tutorial on how to make Dynamic Terminators is also now up for viewing in the Apothecarium Technologica. The article is as yet incomplete and will continue as soon as Brother Lorien publishes the rest of his work. |

3 November 2002
A magnificent diorama created by a master modeller, Insaniak is now available for viewing at the Fortress. This amazing diorama was originally created with the Australian Golden Demon contest in mind, but sadly became delayed. Insaniak has kindly allowed me to publish his diorama and his step by step work in progress called "Brother Against Brother" for your viewing pleasure. You can see toher similar works of craftmanship at his web site Infernus. |
27 November 2002
The gradual process of slowly updating the Fortress site, section by section, continues. The Halls of Honour has been revised in a more approacheable fashion, with the names of all the contributors arranged in alphabetical order within their assigned section. |

21 December 2002
The festive season is yet again upon us and like the rest of humanity, the Fortress of the Unfrogiven ia also preparing the welcome the New Season!
Chronicle of Averam is another brilliant piece of fiction by Jacob Stow ( Librarian Sheol) describing the events on a primitive feudal planet during an intervention by the Dark Angels.
With the addition of hese two pieces of fiction the total number of stories available for the avid reader has risen to a mighty 22. I believe this is the largest collection of Dark Angel fiction availale on the web.
The gradual process of updating the Fortress site, section by section, continues. The Halls of Honour has been revised once more in to an approacheable fashion, with the names of all the contributors arranged in alphabetical order within their assigned section. The honours have also been laid out in an easily discernible manner.
As the Fortress site rapidly approaches it's second anniversary, recently hitting the 45,000 hit mark, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported, contributed, visited and enjoyed this site for everything they have done. Hope you all have a pleasant and enjoyable festive season, and remember to drive carefully!
Merry Christmas + Happy New Year! |
