Creating and maintaining this website is indeed a tedious if not enjoyable task. I have passionately involved myself in every section of this web site and hope that passion and dedication shows in the end product. Apart from the sheer enjoyment of creating something new with a personal touch, one of the most rewarding features is the feedback some of the hobbyists and gamers send me. Some of these come in the way of comments in the guest book, while others are emailed to me directly.
I am most grateful to those who have showered words of encouragements in difficult times and I appreciate the kindness shown in most emails. Gathered here within this section are a few of the Web Awards bestowed upon this Fortress site by fellow Web Masters. I particularly appreciate the time these webmasters have spent to assess, provide feedback, encourage and award their web awards. The awards placed here were given by award systems that have been rated by the Web Awards rating system with ratings of 6.0 - 7.5. |

Angel of Darkness Award Web Awards Rating Level 6.0 Awarding Site: The Sistas of Darkness Date of Award: 12, July, 2001 |
Dark Greetings!
You obviously have a passion for your hobby, and I have enjoyed my sojourn through your realm. In real life I am a teacher, and one of my kids absolutely LOVES Warhammer......and it's so hard to not get caught up in his enthusiasm! ~grins~ I hope you wont mind if I show him your toils!
I have attached both awards, please link them back to us. Please also take a moment to check out our webring, we'd love to have you join us! Keep up the great work, may your life always be filled with such passion!
Forever, in darkness Fae DeJavelin |

Dark Greetings!
You obviously have a passion for your hobby, and I have enjoyed my sojourn through your realm. In real life I am a teacher, and one of my kids absolutely LOVES Warhammer......and it's so hard to not get caught up in his enthusiasm! ~grins~ I hope you wont mind if I show him your toils!
I have attached both awards, please link them back to us. Please also take a moment to check out our webring, we'd love to have you join us! Keep up the great work, may your life always be filled with such passion!
Forever, in darkness Fae DeJavelin |
Award for Dark beauty Web Awards Rating Level 6.0 Awarding Site: The Sistas of Darkness Date of Award: 12, July, 2001 |
Dama Da Noite Award of Excellence Web Awards Rating Level 7.5 Awarding Site: Fragmentos Da Dama De Noite Date of Award: 13, July, 2001 |
Jassmine's Award of Excellence Web Awards Rating Level 6.0 Awarding Site: Jassmine's World Date of Award: 16, July, 2001 |
you have won my award of excellence from Jassmine.com You will find the award attached. Please go to http://www.jassmine.com/applyformyaward.html and sign the guestbook for winners. If you want to link the award back that is to both of our advantages as the search engines are listing by how many are linked to your site Please link it back to http://www.jassmine.com I have listed your site in our search engine.
Congratulations again Jassmine |
The Johnny Lightning Award Web Awards Rating Level 6.0 Awarding Site: Walker's Business Support Services Date of Award: 31, October, 2001 |
Renelf's Award for Excellence Web Awards Rating Level 6.0 Awarding Site: Renelf's Realm Date of Award: 07, November, 2001 |
Renelf's White Dove Award Web Awards Rating Level 6.0 Awarding Site: Renelf's Realm Date of Award: 07, November, 2001 |
Mona Lisa Select Site Award Web Awards Rating Level 7.5 Awarding Site: Mona Lisa Select Site Date of Award: 20, November , 2001 |
Thank you for applying for the Mona Lisa Award and giving us an opportunity to review your site. Your site was tested with a variety of browsers and held up fine. Many site apply, but few sites meet and exceed most of the stated criteria. Yours did. Congratulations!
The Shadow Guard has won the Mona Lisa Select Site Award for the Month of November as a result of the compelling graphics and stimulating intellect it demonstrates for gamers and hobbyist. Please accept our Mona Lisa Select Site Award and display it with prominence and pride. The award is rated with WebsAwards and German Top Awards. I look forward to hearing from you.
With warm regards, Steve Feld Award Master |