Creating and maintaining this website is indeed a tedious if not enjoyable task. I have passionately involved myself in every section of this web site and hope that passion and dedication shows in the end product. Apart from the sheer enjoyment of creating something new with a personal touch, one of the most rewarding features is the feedback some of the hobbyists and gamers send me. Some of these come in the way of comments in the guest book, while others are emailed to me directly.
I am most grateful to those who have showered words of encouragements in difficult times and I appreciate the kindness shown in most emails. Gathered here within this section are a few of the Web Awards bestowed upon this Fortress site by fellow Web Masters. I particularly appreciate the time these webmasters have spent to assess, provide feedback, encourage and award their web awards. The awards placed here were given by award systems that have been rated by the Award Sites rating system with ratings of 2.0 - 2.5. |

Chandra's Silver Site Award Award Sites Rating Level 2.5 Awarding Site: Chandra's Web Pages Date of Award: 03, July, 2001 |
Hi Shadow Guard; Thank you for visiting my web site and applying for an award. I have visited your web site today and I think you have done a FANTASTIC job! Therefore, it gives me great pleasure in presenting you with my award. Please link the award to my website at ttp://chandraswebpages.tripod.com/index.html You will be added to the winners list.
Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Faye-Linda McGovern |
Nick's SF Award Award Sites Rating Level 2.5 Awarding Site: Nick Dreamer's Site Date of Award: 02, July, 2001 |
Congratulation !!!! You have won my main award. Your site is really cool. I enjoyed surfing it.
friendly yours, Nick
Award of Promise Award Sites Rating Level 2.5 Awarding Site: ArtLoft2000 Date of Award: 03, July, 2001 |

Hi Shadow Guard, We've reviewed your site. The amount of effort and planning is very evident and with a few minor adjustments you will have a well rounded site. As you have asked for feedback I will put in my two cents worth. The first difficulty I experienced was in having the entire screen visible without having to shuttle from side to side. Perhaps this isn't a feasible modification considering the graphics in your tables. I would strongly suggest you work on your navigation structure as this can make or break a web page. There are many articles available on web site navigation which you can find through a browser search. Congratulations! You have worked very hard on this site and we are pleased to award you the ArtLoft2000 Award of Promise. Link the award back to http://www.artloft2000.com and send us an email with the page where the award can be seen. Thanks very much for applying for one of our awards, and please feel free to apply for a higher one in future. Kind Regards, Val Blake |

Stellar Achievement Award Sites Rating Level 2.5 Awarding Site: Clear Skies Date of Award: 03, July, 2001 |
Congratulations Shadow Guard. The skies are clear today. We were thrilled with your site. You have worked very hard and deserve some serious recognition. We are happy to present you with this personalized award (attached to this e-mail) to show our respect for the time you have taken to create a great internet site.
Please let us know if there is any problem with the attachment, so we can make some other arrangement for you to pick up your award. You can view your award listing on our award winners page.
Congratulations again, From Clear Skies Larry James (owner) Wendy (webmaster) |
Award for Web Excellence Award Sites Rating Level 2.5 Awarding Site: Wm C Gowacki's Web Site Date of Award: 05, July, 2001 |
Attached Please find your Websites Award. Thet me start by saying that I am awarding your site "BESIDES" the fact you didn't follow the instructions in my Criteria, which leads me to Believe they were'nt read. You should also make your website accessable to those who don't have a 17" monitor, and are forced to use a horizontal scroll bar. I would disqualify a site just for that reason. The content of your website , i'd say isn't family friendly, but your web ability is what got you the Award, understand that. Thank you for your interest in My Awards Program.
Bill |
Award for Web Excellence Award Sites Rating Level 2.5 Awarding Site: Team Dementia Date of Award: 07, July, 2001 |
Dear Shadow Guard,
We have reviewed your site, an are honored to bestow you with our Award of Excellence. Your site is very well planned out, and we can tell that a lot of hard work and effort went into it. The graphics are pleaseing, it's very informative, and above all, very creative. Please accept our award with pride. Please link the award with the URL found below.
Robert Rice & Tracy Lewis |
Daisy's Gold Star Award Sites Rating Level 2.5 Awarding Site: Daisy's Fun banners and Graphics Date of Award: 06 July, 2001 |
You have won Daisy's Gold Star Award Please link your award back to: http://www.geocities.com/daisy086/ Add your page to my list of winners! Daisy ladydaisy@postmark.net |
Reflections Silver Award of Excellence Award Sites Rating Level 2.5 Awarding Site: Pamela's Web Site Date of Award: 13 July, 2001 |
Hello It gives me great pleasure to award you my silver award of excellence. You have put a lot of hard work into making your winning website. If you choose to link award back, the url is. http://wtv-zone.com/califPamela/ I will add you to my silver award winners page after you have award posted. Congrats. again. Pamela |