Creating and maintaining this website is indeed a tedious if not enjoyable task. I have passionately involved myself in every section of this web site and hope that passion and dedication shows in the end product. Apart from the sheer enjoyment of creating something new with a personal touch, one of the most rewarding features is the feedback some of the hobbyists and gamers send me. Some of these come in the way of comments in the guest book, while others are emailed to me directly.
I am most grateful to those who have showered words of encouragements in difficult times and I appreciate the kindness shown in most emails. Gathered here within this section are a few of the Web Awards bestowed upon this Fortress site by fellow Web Masters. I particularly appreciate the time these fellow 40K webmasters have spent to assess, provide feedback, encourage and award their web awards. The awards placed here were given by award systems that have not been rated by by the two common rating systems.I particularly appreciate the feedback and encouragement given by these fellow gamers. |

The Crux Award - Silver Awarding Site: Realms of Fantasy Date of Award: 29, May, 2001 |
Dear Webmaster
I have recently visited your website in regards to the Crux Award. The content of your site is excellent. I especially like the updated version of the Storm of Vengence. I had great fun playing it in the 2nd edition and will definitely play it again. However I think your navigation needs a little work as it is quite slow and graphic heavy. I am pleased to award you the SILVER AWARD. Thank you for your submission
Michael T Wei Na |
Valic IV Global Wings - First Class Awarding Site: Rogue Trader Heresy Date of Award: 15, June, 2001 |
I have looked over your site and I must tell you the truth...
I think it is great (had to have dramatic pause there) and I believe it is truly worthy of the Valic IV Global Wings 1st Class award, which only the finest websites receive. The only thing that I had a problem with (but then this is just me) is you have the resolution set to 1024x768, making it a bit weird at first when I had mine set at 800x600. But a quick adjustment on my part I was enjoying your site!
MacCragge |
RPG Host - Award of Excellence Awarding Site: RPG Host Date of Award: 17, June, 2001 |
Congrats! You have been selected to receive the highly coveted:RPG HOST Award of Excellence. This great honor is only give to web sites of great quality. We do not just give it to everyone who asks. So display it proudly. All we as is that you leave the graphic link back to our main site. We are backlogged on adding people to our awards page, so be patient.
Again, good job! |
First Founding Award Awarding Site: Sons of Russ Date of Award: 26, June, 2001 |
Congratulations!!! I am proud to present to you the First Founding Award for Site Excellence. Just copy the award pic from the page and link it to my site. in a few days I'll check you site to see if every thing is in order and then I'll add you to the award winners list.
Barrettj5 |
Horror of Battle Award Awarding Site: The Plague Fleet Date of Award: 17, June, 2001 |
Cool site!
Plague Fleet
Knight's Cross 1st Class with Oak Leaves & Sword Awarding Site: Dragon's Lair Date of Award: 15, July, 2001 |
Apologies for the delay. I have reviewed your web site and am proud and pleased to present you with the following awards: Knight's Cross First Class with Oak Leaves and Swords
Thank you for your patience.
Keith Miller , Dragon's Lair
Inquisition Seal of Approval Awarding Site: RPG Host Date of Award: 17, June, 2001 |
Apologies for the delay. I have reviewed your web site and am proud and pleased to present you with the following awards: Inquisition Seal of Approval
Thank you for your patience.
Keith Miller , Dragon's Lair
Howl of Approval Awarding Site: The Wolfe Den Date of Award: 25, July, 2001 |
Congratulations! I've finally got around to catching up on my awards. I'm pleased to present your site with the Wolfe Den's Howl of Approval! The award graphic is attached, Please let me know once you've added the award to your awards page, linked to the Wolfe Den at http://www.wolfedengames.com so I can add you to my award winners page. Also, if you get this done by Thursday, the announcement of your award will go out in my next update. I'll also send you a copy of the text version of the update mentioning your site. If you'd like to receive further updates, just sign up on the main Wolfe Den site. Thanks, and congratulations again!
Douge Wolfe, Wolfe Den |