The two outer ones are "Helper Angels" Pressing them will instantaneously teleport you to our teleporter room (Site Map) from where you can go to any part of the Fortress at the click of a single button. |

This site consists of one Master Chamber (Main page) and Nine Major Chambers. Each Major Chamber can only be accessed from the Master Chamber. In addition to providing access to the nine Major Chambers, the Master chamber also has numerous sub chambers, which you would have seen on the way here. Each Major chamber is a fortress on its own right. You cannot move between Major Chambers, without coming back to the Master Chamber. Alas, such is the design of the dungeons. Within each Major chambers, there are sub chambers which allow movement between each other through narrow passage ways. In a number of such chambers, you will find that you may progress only in a linear fashion. That has been so planned, to provide a more fitting experience, learning a little bit more information as you go through each chamber. Now that you are some what familiar with the structure of the Fortress, let me explain the nature of navigation aids that abound here.
Each page has, as it's header, a number of features that will allow you to move through this site with ease. As you would have noted, each page has two large circular icons at the top corners. The icon at the top left corner is always the "Fortress of the Unforgiven" icon, in every page in this site. Clicking on this will always return you to the web site's main page.
The main chamber you are in at any particular time can be identified by the large name plate, which has the Main Chamber's name on it, and the large square icon placed on the top right hand corner. Clicking on this second large icon, will return you to the main page of the Main Chamber you are in.
Just below the large name plate is another smaller name plate. This identifies the sub chamber you are standing in at that time.
Four glowing icons surround the second name plate, two to a side. |

If you were in the Liber Audacio Unforgiven, reading a story about Dark Angel, this is what your options will be:
- Large Icon, top left will take you to the Fortress main page
- Large icon, top right will take you to the Liber Audacio Unforgiven main page
- The green gauntlets at the top and bottom of the page will take you to the previous or next page.On the last page of the story, there will be onlu one green gauntlet ( no option to go to next page)
- The central button between the two green gauntlets will take you to the first page of that particular story.
- The Helper Angel, E-mail and B&C Links will work as usual. |
The "E Mail" icon on the right will enable you to e-mail me at your whim. Please let me know if there are any problems, mistakes or even simply some suggestions for any of the pages. |
File Download Icon:
This is allows the visitor to down load a pdf version of the article to be read at leisure. Mostly used for the large historical articles and some scenarios and fiction. |
Honoured Link Icon:
This is reserved for linking to a few select and honoured web sites from within articles contributed by the author of both the article and the web site. |
Latest Update Icon:
A simple icon to identify the latest content in each section that has been uploaded. The mouseover message would identify the date of its release. This icon does not link to any spacific page. |
The "B & C Forum" icon will lead you to the Dark Angels Forum, in the Bolter and Chainsword Space Marine Chat Board. This is undoubtedly the best Space Marine Forum around, and is frequented by many dedicated Dark Angel Spacemarines. Much of the ideas and content in this site were provided by those fanatical but talented followers of the Lion. |
Most chambers which have sub-chambers (pages) will have two gauntlets (pointers) and a central icon as shown below. The gauntlets will take you to the previous or next page, while the central icon will take you to the first page of that sub-section. These will be present at the top and bottom of every page. |
In some Major Chambers, namely the Codex Unforgiven, additional icons will be displayed to identify the different subsections. These are mostly to identify different army selections options within the Codex Unforgiven section. They are all self explanatory. If at any time you are unsure, simply place the pointer over an icon and a description will appear. |
Small red gauntlets are simple pointers showing you the direction, particularly where descriptions are mixed with a lot of images. The do not link to anyhting. |
Detailed descriptions of the layout of the Fortress site and it's icons. Spend a few minutes here and you will find that navigating this massive web site will be extremely easy. |
Detailed description of the contents of each major section (called chambers) of this Fortress Monastary. |
This website was constructed to closely resemble the structure of the Dark Angels Fortress Monastery, known colloquially as the "Rock". This means that this site tends to resemble the myriad of dungeons and long passageways that wind along the depths of that same Fortress Monastery. As most Dark Angels fans and followers would explain, the rich back ground and spirit of the Dark Angels and their fascinating history are an essential pre-requisite to enjoying the game. Thus, in keeping with the very gothic nature of the 41st millennium, everything in this site is based on iconography and symbolism. Remember, that every icon and symbol, has meaning to it. Place your palm over any such item and you will see it's significance. |