These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of David Hedges. |
The doors slid open as he approached it, as if someone knew he was coming. The trial room was visible as the door opened, dark as ever, only the seemingly endless burning candles gave some dim light. As he walked into the room, Uzziel saw the same brother marines from the first day staring again intently at him from underneath their hooded cloaks. Uzziel walked proud to the middle of the room, the eyes of his brethern following him. But something was different. Next to Ezekiel, a chair that remained empty for the length of the trail, there was a robed marine staring back at him. Uzziel met his gaze and |

It must never be drawn ever again. What if you listened to the sword? So many battle brothers died, and how many more would have perished if you succumbed to the lying whispers the sword gave? No, the losses are unaccaptable and therefore we send you a 10 year crusade in the Jericho sector. As you know, several worlds have been infested with chaos cults, and the Excommunicate Traitoris Legion of the Death Guard has already established outposts there" A green data screen lit up in the room, sending greenish rays of light over the room " These worlds need to be liberated according to the High Lords of Terra. As you may well also know, the Storm Giants chapter is closely located to the Jericho sector. However, we had several |

"The same battle brothers which have fought with me on that dreadfull day, let them to join the sacred ranks of Deathwing, so they too know what they are fighting and dying for"
A silent hush felt over the assembled. They looked at each other and Ezekiel was about to speak, but Azrael waived him off.
"Agreed. Ezekiel will fully test these survivors to see if they are worhty. They will take the necessary trials, and the survivors will join you on your perilious crusade as fully fledged members of the Deathwing. You have 30 standard Terra days to equip and chose your force. The |
court has spoken, extremus domine salve nos" And with that, the assembled left, Uzziel being the last to leave the room, and he went back to his monastary, praying deeper and intenser than ever. |
immediately kneeled when he reached the centre of the room. This could only be one man, Uzziel knew Grand Master Azrael.
"Your judgement has been approved by all of the members of the Inner Circle, Uzziel. Listen now to your judgement, so you may take the appropriate action upon this knowledge."
"You have acted bravely in the face of danger and death, brother Uzziel. Your actions are recorded in the Librarium, so that future generations may learn from your actions. However, your folly of the sword is not described, save for in the oldest books naming the Fallen. Even you have nearly succumbed to the false whispers of the sword, and this must not happen again. The sword rests somewhere deep inside the rock. |

scrambled reports of Fallen activity in that sector. That is why we have accepted the honour of liberating those worlds, although that is not your primary goal. Bring back the Fallen to the Rock, and your name will be honoured once again, and you may once again set foot on the Rock"
The room was quiet. Uzziel still stared at the green data screen. He knew it to be a dangerous mision, suicidal perhaps. But every rumour of the fallen had to be followed. He would be honoured to bring back these fallen scum. By the Lion, he would restore honour and make these traitorous scum repent. He would personally see to that, he promised himself.
"I accept, by the Lion and the Emperor, but I have one final request" Uzziel said.
"State your demands" Azrael said. It was the first time he spoke, being silent when brother Ezekiel passed Judgement. |