These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of T Traube. The background notes were written specifically for this army by the Shadow Guard. |

Surprisingly all they found were the cryo-preserved bodies of two spacemarines, clad in black power. They were in cryogenic preservation but barely alive. As they began the transport of the two cryogenic chambers, self destruct sequences began to activate in the battle barge. It was the last minute effort by Master Saraknyel who stayed behind until the last moment, that ensured atleast the cryogenic chambers were safely transported to the Righteous Vengeance aboard a thunderhawk gunship. The squads teleported out just as the "Caliban's Pride" self destructed. On his return to the planets surface, Saraknyel faced the reality at the Spaceport. The dark Angels had held but at massive casualties. Only the constant firepower and tactical deployment of the three landraiders held the line. The three tanks were the only survivors of his initial force. In two of the blessed vehicles, the crew were mortally injured and only the machine spirits had maintained the steady fire. |

The true heroes of the battle at the Spaceport Winterlanding were the three landraiders and their holy machine spirits. The Landraider Mk III "Reliant" was Master Saraknyels personal transport and remains so, taking him and Squad Lucien in to battle when needed.
Landraider Crusader "Redemptor" had been used exclusively by Librarian Baraqiial and his squad as they charged in to battle ready to smite the enemy in close combat. The holy sigils on the body work mark it out as the vehicle of the most honoured librarian. |
The constant and accurate barrage of fire from Retributor was instrumental in stopping the enemy at the spaceport long enough to allow the destruction of their headquarters.
In a gesture of respect and in recognition of their lone deeds on board "Caliban's pride" squad Lucidian was awarded this vehicle as their transport for the coming penitant crusade. |
Landraider Mk III "Reliant" |
Landraider Crusader "Redemptor" |
Landraider Pattern Helios "Retributor" |

Although their discovery was of immense importance to the unforgiven chapters, at a joint hearing of the inner circles of both chapters, Master Saraknyel requested a penant Crusade for the loss of nearly his entire command. He was promoted to Grandmaster and given command of the two deathwing squads who had accompanied him and given the choice of naming his penance. The Grandmaster grimly stated that he would crusade for fifty eight terran years to commemorate the number of geneseeds that had to be recovered from the Spaceport of Winterlanding. The inner circles agreed and provided him the battle barge Righteous Vengeance, and the three Landraiders that had survived under his command. In a surprising move Veteran Sergeant Lucidian and his squad and Librarian Baraqiial also pleaded with their inner circles to be allowed to join the Grandmaster in his penance. Swearing to follow up the origin of the Caliban's Pride and any fallen brethren it may lead to, they continue on their pennant crusade to this day! |
