ORDER of the BLACK GUARDS By Leon Quigley |
This article has been published with the kind permission of Leon Quigley. Planetary image created by Shadow Guard |

Colour Scheme:
The marines wear the Dark Angels pre-heresy colours. Their armour is black with the symbol of the Dark Angels chapter in red, and from this they took their name. Later they heard of the Red Redemption, and adopted the robes, making them appear on cursory inspection to be Redemptionists (albeit huge ones!).
There is a more symbolic level to this however; while the red robes represent their affinity with the Redemption, their black armour represents the fact that they will receive no forgiveness from their parent chapter. However, they believe that it is in fact the Unforgiven that require redemption for their failings, and that the Order best represents the true Dark Angels.
The Banner also works on several levels. It is a combination of the symbols of the Dark Angels, the Red Redemption, the Cup of Retribution, and Cypher's personal symbol. The Cup hides Cypher's sword, a reference to the protection given him by the Order. Furthermore, the sword of Cypher and the crossed brands of the Redemption make a small eight-pointed Chaos star. The black and red field shows the Order's colours.
It is perhaps worthy of note that their colours, and their banner, may give the impression that they are of another chapter, perhaps Blood Angels or one of their successors. This is entirely deliberate. As well as being a simple protection from those who may otherwise question them, they, like Cypher, are driven to some degree to sow confusion. |

Hellenica-4 was once a hospitable world, given over to agriculture, but Warp storms began to buffet the system about twenty years ago, and the warriors of the Chaos gods attacked. By then Hellenica had decent defences, but the Ruinous Powers were only finally driven away when the warp storms abated, and reinforcements arrived most importantly including three companies of Dark Angels. The Dark Angels were aware that Chaos forces avoided the Great Swan, which made it interesting. However, before this could be investigated the world was subjected to another, more vicious incursion this time by the Tyranids. The remaining Dark Angels fought bravely, but were severely outnumbered. By the time that more reinforcements arrived (in the form of Space Wolves) there were few Dark Angels left. The massive swarms of Tyranid creatures killed them all eventually, as well as huge numbers of Guardsmen and civilians. The arrival of the tyranids has changed the planet's ecosystem drastically. Where it once had a very healthy surplus of food, as well as several large cities, there is now deprivation and ruin. However, the Order has recognised this as an opportunity to test the inhabitants of the penal colony further, as they must now battle the elements as well as their isolation.
Hellenica-4 is ruled by Caroline Edwards, previously the Deputy Imperial Governor. Her predecessor disappeared under questionable circumstances towards the end of the war against Chaos, and his location is still unknown. However, while Edwards was left near-crippled by an assassination attempt, |

her iron will allows her to continue, and she is further supported by Lord Ireland, a noble who has forged links with the Inquisition. Ireland is more of a soldier than Edwards, and is successfully overcoming the remaining Tyranid creatures as her Protector-general. However, this means that the Order is in danger of discovery. Imperial forces have concentrated on digging out the remaining Tyranid creatures, which has meant that the prisoners have been utilised for very dangerous missions. Numerous members of the Imperial Guard who were deemed to have failed in their duties during the recent wars have reinforced them. The Order continues to minister to them, but each time a new prisoner is sent to the colony there is a chance that it may be an Inquisition or Departmento Munitorm spy, sent to find out about the strange monks. |

Combat Doctrine
Each warrior has developed a preference for fighting either with bolter or pistol and close combat weapon. This usually forms the basis of the split into squads, with one taking on an assault role while the other is more flexible. As well as a fair number of plasma pistols (having been liberated from traitors years ago) Sefiel now possesses a combi-melta, and will take on the primary anti-armour role. Of course, having now lived for ten millennia, the Order's members are familiar with almost any tactic or strategy imaginable, drawing on Dark Angel and Fallen knowledge. The other inhabitants of the colony provide them with numerous options. In the event of a major action in the area the Order would almost certainly act as an independent rapid response unit, covertly backing up the Redemptionists and other prisoners. Perhaps the most likely tactic is for them to remain hidden until the main force is engaged, when they would launch a devastating flanking manoeuvre. Under these circumstances they would make up less than a quarter of the force, although they would probably be more effective than most of the rest of it. Of course, they don't have the numbers for full-scale actions, but will engage in disruption, sabotage and assassination, picking off enemy targets as required in lightning attacks. Speed and aggression are the keys, as they have been for millennia.
Famous Battles
By necessity, the Order has had few famous battles its primary duty is to guard the temple. However, on occasion Cypher has had need of some of the Order, and they have fought for him. One notable event is the second phase of the Chaos assault on Hellenica-4. As landings continued, the traitor forces were looking for bases of operation, and one potential site was the Great Swan. The traitors sent a force of 40 marines to deal with the residents a cautious number, given that the defenders were apparently only human political prisoners, but perhaps their sorcerers had seen uncertain augurs. It is fair to say that they were probably not expecting powered armoured warriors to emerge from the waters behind them as they advanced inland, that it is very unlikely that they were expecting the "human political prisoners" to apparently have tactical training approaching that of marines, and that the survivors were certainly not prepared to directed towards the entrance to the temple, where they died, despatched by the champion. Many of the prisoners were killed in the conflict, and nearly all of the remainder were lost to traitor bombing actions shortly afterwards. However, the Order remembers them as Redeemed, which is perhaps as much as they could hope for.
The Order was recently active on Lelithar, near Cadia, aiding the Voice in carrying out the Imperial will. Those that pledged allegiance were granted the status of Redeemed, and were sent to martyr themselves and inspire loyalty elsewhere.
Battle cry: Redemption or Destruction! |
