Background and Origin:
The origins of the Angels of Repentance date back to the height of the Horus Heresy. To thin the ranks of the forces loyal to the Emperor, Horus sent the Legions of the Space Wolves and Dark Angels deep into the Segmentum Tempestus. By the time the two Primarchs realized the duplicity, the Rebellion was well underway, Terra besieged, and the Galaxy in flames. The return journey was long and fraught with peril. One of the last actions fought was a quick and violent assault at the Shield worlds to destroy the infamous tyrant Mashashi. During this engagement the behemoth battle barge Sword of Redemption's Warp Drive was damaged. This injury was further compounded during the brutal last leg of the voyage through the roiling warp to Terra.
The situation on Terra, the aftermath of the Heresy and the mop up operations, took precedence over repair efforts. So, when the Lion's fleet began its weary voyage back to Caliban, it was with only the hastiest repairs that the Sword of Redemption made the jump into the empyrean. Again, the battle barge seemed to weather the storm, and was able to drop out into normal space with the rest of the armada to receive Lion el'Jonson's impassioned revelations on the reorganization and future of the Legion. However, when newly invigorated fleet made the jump back to the warp, the wounded Sword of Retribution was unable to do so, and was forced to remain in to remain in normal space to effect repairs.
When the Sword of Retribution was able to limp into the space around Caliban over a month later, they found not a jubilant homecoming, but instead a battle torn fleet and the remains of the planet Caliban. Both aboard the Sword, and to the surviving Dark Angels in orbit, what had initially seemed like an inconvenient delay transformed |

ANGELS of REPENTANCE By Douglas Miller aka ODM |
This article has been published with the kind permission of Douglas Miller. |

instead into an unforgivable failure. The entire Chapter was in turmoil; their failure to reach Terra in time to support the Emperor was compounded by their own Brethren's betrayal and the loss of their Primarch. That those aboard the Sword of Retribution had "failed" to serve in the darkest hour of their Chapter's history, and perhaps turn the tide more quickly, or even aid the Lion in his final battle, was unbearable to all. When the Inner Circle met to decide the fate of the Dark Angels and Master Dante declared his failure and his extreme plan for penance, it was accepted without debate or hesitation.
Master Dante and his entire ship's compliment were struck from the roles of the Dark Angels Legion. These thrice cursed marines would form a new Chapter, the Angels of Redemption. However, because of their perceived failure, this Chapter would be very different from the other successor chapters of the Dark Angels. The Angels of Repentance would not be acknowledged until they had served penance though battle and blood, earning their forgiveness though unending conflict. Their struggle was to redeem themselves not only in the eyes of their Emperor and their Primarch, but also the Inner Circle of the Dark Angels themselves.
The battle barge Sword of Retribution was renamed, Sword of Repentance, and set off immediately, traveling beyond Imperial Space to the Galactic South of Segmentum Tempestus, continuing their path on the Great Crusade before it was cut short by the Heresy. The Crusade for Redemption has now lasted 10,000 years of almost constant warfare, unknown and unheralded by the Imperium. Over the years the Chief Librarian of the Chapter has maintained the Book of Redemption, recording the events and sacrifices of the brethren of the Angels of Repentance so that it may one day be presented back to the Dark Angels' Inner Circle in the hopes of receiving absolution. Although their gene seed is pure, with no outside infusion recovered seed from their fallen comrades is the Chapter's only source for new marines. Because of this, the Angels of Repentance have dwindled to approximately five full strength companies.
It is unknown whether the Chapter will survive long enough to meet the criteria laid down in the Book of Redemption, or will simply cease to be. It is also unknown whether any record still exists within secret tomes of the Inner Circle, or if there is any contact kept up between the Dark Angels and their disgraced successor. Thus, the fate of the Angels of Repentance, even should they return to the Rock to present their case one day, is unknowable |

Home World:
The Angels of Repentance still dwell on their pre-heresy battle barge the Sword of Repentance. Large sections of this enormous vessel are unused and empty due to the dwindling size and resources of the Chapter. New marines are recruited from uncharted human worlds the chapter investigates on its crusade. The vast majority of these are feral worlds, lost to history and record during the Age of Strife.
Chapter Structure
Due to the timing of events, Lion el'Jonson's plans for restructuring the Dark Angels were never put in place within the Angels of Repentance. Therefore, the chapter follows a more traditional Codex Marine structure, with no Deathwing or Ravenwing Companies. The huge size of the pre-heresy battle barge meant that at founding the Chapter would have been full strength by codex, but the lack of replacement Gene Seed has meant the Angels of Repentance have gradually shrunk over the years to their current state. The Chapter currently fields 4 Battle Companies, and 1 Scout Company.
In addition, due to battle damage and loss over the centuries, the Chapter's armor and vehicles and weapons are also irreplaceable, all support and transport vehicles, terminator armor, and dreadnaughts are assigned to the Chapter motor pool, not at Company level. They are then assigned as attachments as the mission dictates.
Lion el'Jonson is revered as the Chapter's Primarch. The Chapter does maintain an Inner Circle, made of the Chapter Grand Master, Company Masters, Chaplains, Librarians, and Dreadnaughts. These few souls are the only marines aware of the thrice cursed nature of their history and the true reasons for their unending crusade.
Current Key Characters
Chapter Master Nahilus (Also Serves as First Company Master) Chief Librarian Danaus Senior Chaplain Memnon 2nd Company Master Kelman 3rd Company Master Sercio 3rd Company, 4th Squad Sergeant Justinian 4th Company Master Basilius Scout Company Master Ambros
