Boosted Jump Packs
Restriction: 8th Company Only.
Points Cost: Included in unit.
Used only by Assault Engineer squads, (point cost included in the unit cost) the additional power and fuel allow the engineers better maneuverability. However the limitation of fuel restricts them to using the boosted attacks only on the turn in which they perform the Demolition assault. (maximum of 2 such assaults per game) These jump packs enable the user to move a maximum of 18" total during the turn of the demolition assault, which may be split between the movement phase and the assault phase. |

This section contains the arsenal of the combined unforgiven chapters. Listed here are the standard weapons available to the space marines following the Book of the Unforgiven along with a few wargear items that are specific for particulat individuals, sub-units or companies. The points values and description of the standard weapons are described in Codex Space Marines v 4.0 and Codex Dark Angels v 2.0. Where additonal rules are added to existing rules for a wargear item, that item is listed along with the additonal rules. A number of brand new items are also listed along with the restrictions of their usage.
Characters can have up to two single-handed weapons or a single-handed weapon and a two-handed weapon. You may also pick 100 points of wargear per model but no model may be given the same item twice. Deathwing terminators can only use wargear and weapons listed and marked with a "T" within this Armoury. All wargear and weapons must be represented on the model. Items marked with "©" can be taken by independent characters only. |

Fire Director
Restriction: 9th Company Only. Techmarines only
Points Cost: 20 points
A rare piece of wargear, in the possession of tech-priests and techmarines. It enable the user to re-direct fire from his sub-unit independant of the tragetting restriction of his squad. |
The armoury used by the Dark Angel Force is based on the official Space Marine and Dark Angel Armoury. Refer to Codex Space Marines, Codex Dark Angels and DA FAQ. Additional rules for the officially sanctionaed weapons and wargear as well as rules for completely new wargear are listed below: |
Demolition Charge:
Restriction: 8th Company Only.
Points Cost: 10 points
Profile: S: 10 AP: 1
During the shooting phase resolve the demolition charge by placing the ordnance template centered on the spot where it was attached. Only one target can be attacked by a unit each turn, so that a fully equipped unit may make two demolition assaults per turn. Note that the demolition charge is exploded in the shooting phase of the player turn, which follws the turn in which it was attached, giving the eemy some time to respond, reflecting the time taken for attachment of the charges.

Astral Positioning System
Restriction: 8th Company Only.
Points Cost:
It is a form of beacon which allows follow on units to deep strike accurately. Only pathfinders may be equipped with these. It allows two deep striking units to home in on the beacon. Place ordnance templates in contact with the model carrying the beacon and deploy the deep-striking squad.
Units deep striking on to the APS may not move that turn but may assault due to the precision of their landing. Unit using the APS cannot move or assault that turn.
Units deep striking by drop pods (dreadnoughts) cannot home in to the APS as drop pods cannot precision land. Only units with jump packs may do so. |
Rapier Laser Destroyer Restriction: 8th Company Only.
Tarantula Weapons Platform Restriction: 8th Company Only. |
Target Designator Pod
Restriction: 10th Company Only.
Points Cost: 15 points
Move or fire weapon. One per squad. Once per turn the marine may attempt to designate a target in LOS using his BS and roll to hit. A hit signifies a successful lighting up of the target which then enables indirect fire to be directed on the target.
Roll again on the scatter dice to hit. If a hit is scored place the small blast template on the target, and if it scatters then determine the scatter and place the small blast template accordingly. Once the first blast template has been positioned, roll a D3 and 3 scatter dice. Place three more small blast templates D3" from the edge of the first template and in the direction of scatter arrow. Only one barrage may be called down in each game, although you may attampt to designate a target each turn, until scoring a hit.

Command Link Mine
Restriction: 10th Company Only.
Points Cost: 10 points
This is a radio link operated mine. The squad, may use it once per game, on a turn they did not move. This represents protective (claymore like) mines being laid out. Once per game, the squad may activate themine, if an enemy unit comes within 12". Hits automatically with a S6 AP3. center the blast template on a model within 12" and resolve as usual. |
Frag Defender Mines
Restriction: 10th Company Only.
Points Cost: Cost included in unit cost
Small AP mines easily scattered around their position. On any turn, where the squad did not move they will scatter these rounds around their position. If assaulted the squad will count as being in cover and thus strike first. If the enemy has frag grenades then both will strike simultaneously. |
Stealth Cloaks
Restriction: 10th Company Only.
Points Cost: Cost included in unit cost
Special stealth cloaks are worn by elite scout squads, which enable them to move even more stealthily than normal scouts. They are nearly impossible to be seen by normal vision. Any enemy model wanting to make a ranged attack on this squad must do so according to "night fighting" rules as in the rulebook. Any model armed with an Auspex, scanner or equivalent may make a normal shooting attack. |